APCOM 2019 - Applied Physics of Condensed Matter

Type of event: Conference › With international participation
Event dates: 19.06.2019 - 21.06.2019
Event location: Hotel Patria, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovak Republic
Organizer: ÚJFI FEI STU Bratislava, Spolok absolventov a priateľov FEI STU (EF SVŠT), Inštitút Aurela Stodolu EF ŽU, Fyzikálny ústav SAV, Slovenská fyzikálna spoločnosť
Professional sponsor of event: J. Sitek, SUT Bratislava, SK
Link to conference site: http://kf.elf.stuba.sk/~apcom/
Keywords: electrical engineering nuclear power engineering electronic and optical communication
Working languages: English

The main objective

APCOM 2019 is the 25th international conference in the series of events started in the year 1995 with the workshop Solid State Physics and Radioactive Irradiation.

The main focus of the conference is on presentation of both theoretical and experimental results, partly also of both computer simulation results and specific measurements techniques in the investigation of physical properties and structure of bulk solids and structures, thin solid films, ultrathin organic polymer films, micro- and nanostructures etc., exposed to the influence of the wide-range specific external factors (electrical, magnetic, thermal, high-frequency electromagnetic waves, optical and ionized radiation, ion and elementary particles beams and so on).

Topic circuits

The main content areas are the following:

  • New materials and structures (incl. nanostructures and thin films), their analysis and specific applications
  • Physical properties and structural aspects of solid materials and their influencing
  • Optical phenomena in materials, photovoltaics and photonics, new principles in sensors and detection methods, applied optics and optical communications
  • Nuclear science and technology (with emphasis on the influence of irradiation on physical properties of materials and radiation detection)
  • Computational physics and and theory of physical properties of matter
  • Biophysics and interdisciplinary physics of condensed matter
  • Current Successes in the Photoemission and Electron Microscopy (co-organised by R. Medlín, J. Minár, D. Lávička, UWB Plzeň, CZ and J. Krempaský, PSI Villigen, CH)

Next information

Conference is organized by:

  • Institute of Nuclear and Physical Engineering
  • Faculty of Electrical Enginering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology (STU), Bratislava
  • Alumni Club of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
  • Institute of Aurel Stodola in Liptovský Mikuláš,
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Žilina, Žilina
  • Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • Slovak Physical Society, Bratislava

Program Committee

J. Sitek, SUT Bratislava, SK

J. Cirák, SUT Bratislava, SK
M. Flaska, PSU Pennsylvania, USA
K. Hricovini, CPU Cergy-Pontoise, FR
E. Hristoforou, NTU Athens, GR
J. Kohout, CU Prague, CZ
J. Krempasky, PSI Villigen, CH
V. Lisý, TU Košice, SK
R. Makhloufi, CU Cean, FR
J. Minar, UWB Plzeň, CZ
J. Müllerová, UŽ Žilina, SK
W. Recheis, UAS Wiener Neustadt, AT
D. Seyringer, FHV Dornbirn, AT
O. Schneeweiss, ASCR Brno, CZ
B. Sopko, CUT Prague, CZ
P. Švec, SAS Bratislava, SK
R. Szewczyk, WUT Warsaw, PL
U. Topal, Tubitak-UME, TR

Organizing Committee

J. Vajda, SUT Bratislava, SK

I. Jamnický, UŽ Žilina, SK
P. Novák, SUT Bratislava, SK
L. Harmatha, SUT Bratislava, SK
P. Novák, SUT Bratislava, SK

Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings through AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics). The AIP Conference Proceedings are indexed in leading databases, such as Conference Proceedings Citation Index (part of Web of Sciences), Scopus (Elsevier), Inspec etc.

Important dates & Deadlines

Papers submission for Conference Proceedings: April 30th
Registration fee payment: April 30th
Accommodation/board ordering: May 15th
Comments of reviewers: May 15th
Submission of corrected papers: May 20th
Opening ceremony: June 19th


Registration fee: 230 €
Accommodation/board fee: 100 €
Total costs: 330 €


Conference administrator
Patrik Novák
Institute of Nuclear and Physical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology,
SUT Bratislava
Ilkovičova 3
812 19 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel: +421 2 602 91 714

Fax: +421 2 654 20 415

Mail: apcom@elf.stuba.sk

More information: http://kf.elf.stuba.sk/~apcom/

Last update: 17.04.2019 14:14


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