4th International Conference on Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies (ICEILT-4) - ONLINE

Type of event: Conference › International (foreign outside ČR)
Event dates: 20.04.2021 - 23.04.2021
Event location: virtual conference
Organizer: ScienceKnow International Conferences
Professional sponsor of event: Dr. Antonio Macías García, University of Extremadura, Spain
Held under the auspices of: ScienceKnow International Conferences
Link to conference site: https://www.iceilt-4.com/organize-comittee-speakers.html
Keywords: Learning experiences Educational projects Educational software Educational Methodologies
Working languages: English

The main objective

The 4th International Conference on Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies (ICEILT-4) is a 100% virtual conference organized by academics and researchers belonging to different scientific areas of the University of Extremadura (Spain) and Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal) with the technical support of ScienceKNOW International Conferences. The event has the objective of creating an international forum for academics, researchers and scientists from worldwide to discuss results and proposals regarding to the soundest issues related to Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies.


  • To disseminate national and international innovation and research related to Education.
  • To analyze and make proposals about the most relevant themes for teachers and students.
  • To offer innovative proposals about psicopedagogical and didactic methods.
  • To value the educational and research implications at all levels of education.
  • To use New Technologies and other resources to upgrade the capacities of the students who have special educational needs.
  • To recognize teachers as main agents of the educational innovation.
  • To present new strategies and techniques used in the classes as innovative, learning facilitator and methodological alternatives.
  • To act as a meeting point for different social agents related to education.

Topic circuits

  1. Learning experiences during and after Covid-19pandemic
  2. Science, Technology and Innovation in Education
  3. Educational projects
  4. Educational software
  5. Educational Methodologies
  6. Social Aspects of Education
  7. Psychology of Education and Learning

Next information


Abstract Submission Deadlines 

The phase of Abstract Sending, Acceptance Notification and Complete Communications Sending will be closed on April 13th , 2021

Registration Deadlines

Early bird registration ends on February 28th.

Regular fees will apply form March 1st.

More information https://www.iceilt-4.com/index.html

Information about the event entered:
Ing. Lenka Haladejová, (lenka.haladejova@gmail.com)
Last update: 02.02.2021 09:42


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