Electronic university application
Central Development Project, Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport
of the project:
Fulfillment of government Resolution
number 677 of 15 August 2007, in which the government of the Slovak
Republic ratified the proposal for Electronisation of university
application - A Feasibility Study as a component of the road map
for launching electronic services of public administration.
the basis of ratification of the mentioned material, a request was
made for the preparation of the project Electronisation of
university application, which deals with the possibility of
introducing a service of central electronic registration of
applicants for university study at all universities for all degrees
of study through the use of information and communication
technologies via an Internet portal for Slovak universities.
In 2009 a pilot operation was launched pertaining to 3 universities and 10 secondary schools. More information can be found directly at the project http://www.prihlaskavs.sk
Goal following from the government resolution:
To design a system for introducing a central electronic university application which
will create an organisational and technical solution for university applicants allowing for a transparent environment and a unified method of applying for university study,
will contribute to the simplification of administration of university acceptance activities and the integration of data which school computer centres and universities obtain and the realisation of the principles of e-government
Goals of the central electronic university application:
Creation of a transparent environment for all applicants for university study.
Unification of application administration.
Making the process of applying to university easier and more effective for the applicant.
Main advantages of central administration from the Slovak Universities Portal
(advantages for the applicant, advantages for universities):
an Internet portal available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, operated on the newest equipment
use of a central database for accredited study programmes
use of individual university and faculty databases
use of a central registry for students (dowloading of data)
decreasing office work at universities which have not yet implemented an electronic application process
speeding up and improving the quality of internal processes
making decision-making processes more effective
a system of authorisation of applications
an applicant enters personal data only once (in the case of submitting more than one application)
obtaining information necessary for electronic application in a short time from one location when filling out applications
the opportunity to use data about an applicant from a previous year
the opportunity to send an application to a number of universities without having to repeatedly enter identical data
the opportunity to correct data prior to sending
online tracking of application status
exchange of formats between the central application and universities
electronic payments
strong user support – HelpDesk
the connection of applications and results of statewide leaving exams, the opportunity to import school results from data of school computing centres
simpler electronic confirmation of an application to a university by a secondary school director
the execution of different calculations, statistics
Pre uchádzačov o vysokoškolské štúdium
Vážení maturanti. Ak chcete ísť na vysokú školu, pri výbere Vám môže pomôcť Portál VŠ (portalvs.sk), kde na jednom mieste nájdete 35 vysokých škôl, 117 fakúlt, približne 4455 študijných programov.