Frequently Asked Questions - Methodics


What are the general conditions for the KEGA project leader, age can also be limiting, e.g. 65 years.i?

Hello, there is no set age limit up to which project leaders can submit applications for the KEGA subsidy. The project leader is obliged to fill in the above section, where he must meet the above requirements: I am a university teacher, research or artistic worker of a university who performs work for the established weekly working hours, and I have completed a 3rd-level university education or I have a scientific-pedagogical degree (artistic -pedagogical title) docent or professor and I am not the rector of a university.


A primary school teacher can also be a member of the project's solution team /if the project solves the problems of primary education/?

Yes, it can be, it just needs to be listed among "Other collaborating institutions", but it is not possible to plan any finances for them.


How should I understand the budget? Do I fill in the types of items only for the first year of the solution, or for both years? If I break down the finances for both years into the items and also fill in the box for the plan for the year 2011, then it is added up in the "plan for the entire period of the project" column, and so the total amount actually increases (Types of items for both years + finances for 2011)?

Item types are filled in only for the first year of the solution. For 2011, only the overall plan is filled out.


Should the solving capacity of individual members of the collective - the number of their hours - be stated for the first year of the project or in summary for both years?

The hours are given for the first year of the project.


When the collaborating organization is different from a public university, the number of hours cannot be entered, and that person does not even figure in the final number of solvers, which has always been the case so far. How to solve it?

Only a worker from a public university can be registered, because only he can apply for funding. In this case, you only need to add an institution - you select it from the list, click "add institution" and write the employee's name in the table. The number of hours is not recorded either.


I have a question about the number of hours in total, where it shows 500, which is only the hours of the project leader. Is that okay, or should it be the total hours of all the solvers?

This is the number of hours of the submitting (logged in) person, and not only in the given project, but in all (a detailed list is displayed after clicking), which are submitted via It serves to monitor the solving capacity in projects of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (max. 1000 or 2000 hours).


In the part of the KEGA project, where funds are planned, is it necessary to list individual items in detail in a 5-digit code, e.g. 633002 printer, or is it enough to state 633 and list all the material together?

As for the budget items, it is enough to indicate the first three digits and list the material.


Where can I enter the number of hours for co-investigators?

In order to monitor solver capacities, it is necessary that each solver be registered at Therefore, if you want to add a co-investigator, he must also register. At the same time, after logging in, he will see the project (but he cannot edit it) and the number of hours you have allocated to him (on all projects in which he is involved).

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