Odlíš svoje CV od priemeru a staň sa študentom druhej
najprestížnejšej univerzity sveta - University of California Berkeley.
Viac o Letnej škole UC Berkeley na stránkach Centra severoamerických
štúdií EU v Bratislave www.euba.sk/cnas, priamo na cnas@euba.sk alebo osobne v kancelarii CNAS E9.14 na 9. poschodi budovy rektoratu.
In case, that you do not remember the password to log in, you can have it regenerate. If you are already registered but do not remember what username you used to register, please contact HelpDesk.
Within the Portals VS you can use a single username and password. If there was a duplication of registration, it is necessary to immediately contact the administrator of Portal VS: helpdesk@portalvs.sk (in the case of problems with KEGA projects: kega@portalvs.sk), which cancels the second registration because system errors could occur.
Forgot your password? Change it!
Enter your username, information to change your password will be send to your email.
If you're not sure what email you used to call the contact HelpDesk 037/641 4881 (7.30 - 15.30 h.), 0911 154 882, 0910 288 664 or write to email helpdesk@portalvs.sk. After checking your personal data operator sends a new password by email or SMS to a mobile phone number.