Priestorové plánovanie

Absolvent je vybavený poznatkami pre zvládnutie manažmentu priestorovo - plánovacích činností, analytické práce a manažment v oblasti priestorového rozvoja, poznatkami z oblasti prírodných, technických, ekonomických a sociálnych vied s dôrazom na aplikáciu v polohe urbanizmu a územného plánovania. Má vedomosti o komplexe teórií, metód a nástrojov krajinného, socioekonomického, infraštrukturálneho a územného plánovania, čo ho predurčuje pre zabezpečovanie manažmentu priestorovo-plánovacích a hlavne územnoplánovacích činností, proces obstarávania územnoplánovacej dokumentácie a územného rozhodovania, koordináciu sektorálnych plánovacích činností a spolupráce špecialistov v integratívnej polohe plánovacích činností, pri identifikácii a analýzach stavu priestorových systémov, predovšetkým systémov osídlenia, stanovovaní ich rozvojových potenciálov, spracovávaní operačných rozvojových plánov a projektov a manažovaní realizácie rozvojových koncepcií a výkone územného rozhodovania.

Uplatnenie absolventov
Údaje získané z portálu o absolventoch 1. stupňa odboru Priestorové plánovanie hovoria jednoznačne o tom, že väčšina študentov pokračuje vo vzdelávaní (73% v roku 2018 a 94% v roku 2019) a zostávajúci absolventi sa zamestnali alebo pôsobia ako SZČO. Z tohto údaju je zrejmé, že medzi absolventmi 1.stupňa je 0 nezamestnaných.

Vždy aktuálne novinky o vysokej škole Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave na vašom e-maile.
Pošleme vám všetky informácie o dôležitých udalostiach a termínoch.

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Podmienky prijatia

The application form needs to be submitted in the electronic form without secured signature using the academic information system of the SUT(from now onjust 'AIS'). An applicant for the study might also delive rpaper form of the application form filled out the AIS on the application form prescribed by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republicto the address: Slovenská technická univerzita, Ústav manažmentu, study department, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava.

Posting of the application form (electronically or by mail) together with required attachments stated in the count 2.3. It is an inevitable condition for thesuccessful submission of the application form for the study at the SUT to 30.4.2023.

The basic condition for admission to study in the SP of the first grade is acquiring of the complete secondary school education or secondary professional education and payment for the costs for he admission examination. 

In the case of persons who have been granted asylum, subsidiary protection or temporary refuge, the condition referred to in paragraph 1 may be proved by a statutory declaration and a test of general educational qualifications (further on just (GEQ).

Further conditions for acceptancefor the study of the SP Spatial Planning are:

a)        Successful completion of the entrance exam while

a1)    The entrance test is forgiven for applicants with an overall study average from secondary school up to 2.8, including (without calculating the school results from the last year),

a2)  Applicants who graduated with an overall average from the secondary school over 2.8 (without counting the last school year) must pass the entrance test successfully,

b)        Language competence of the provided study programme,

c)        Paid entrance examination fee for the provision of the entrance examination.

Doplňujúce informácie

2.3. Obligatory amendments to apllication for study:

a)   Curriculum vitae

b)   Proof of payment of the fee for material management of the admission (a receipt of the postal order, bank receipt about money transfer or the account statement from which the fee was paid, the Surname and Name of the applicant for whom the fee was paid has to be readable), adds just an applicant who did not pay the fee for material management of the admission with the payment card in the application of the electronic application form in the AIS.

c)    Applicants who sit for leaving examination in the school year 2022/2023 fill in the application form marks from the subject and averages just from annual school reports for the 1st up to 3rd year (4-year study), for the 1st to 4th year (5-year study), which are confirmed by the seal and signature of the secondary school representative. Certified copies of the certificate from the last year of secondary school and the school leaving certificate must be delivered immediately after passing the school leaving examination.

d)   Applicants who passed the school leaving examination earlier than 2022/ 2023 shall enclose certified copies of all secondary school annual and school leaving certificates.

e)    Applicants who passed the school leaving examination abroad shall enclose a certified document about completed secondary education together with the decision about the recognition of the document issued by the district office in the seat of the region in the wording of § 36 or 39 of the Act No. 422/2015 Coll. on Recognition of Documents on Education and Recognition of Professional Qualifications and on changing and amending certain laws as amended. The provisions of this letter do not apply to applicants who completed secondary education at a high school in the Czech Republic and who attach attachments to the application according to letter c) or d) of this point.

f)       In the case of persons who have been granted asylum, provided with supplementary protection or provided with temporary refuge, to prove that they have met the primary conditions for admission to study, they may submit an affidavit, confirmation of the completion of the test of general study prerequisites (from now on referred to as " GSP") and a copy of the document on the granting of asylum, the provision of supplementary protection or the provision of temporary refuge. The condition of proving the GSP test is considered fulfilled if the success rate of the GSP test is at least 50%, if the GSP test consists of several parts, the success rate of each part is at least 50%; in the case of the SCIO certificate, the percentile of each part of the GSP test is at least 50.

g)    Applicants who apply for a study program conducted exclusively in the English language must attach a document proving knowledge of the English language at least at the B1 level, which can be a certificate of knowledge of the English language, proof of passing a state language exam in English, TOEFL, IELTS, etc. The condition of proving knowledge of the English language is also considered fulfilled if the applicant is a graduate or a student in the last year of a bilingual grammar school with English as the language of instruction.

h)Applicants with specific needs submit with their application form also 

a)   application form for assessment of their specific needs and determination of the extent of supportive services for admission in the sense of Rector's Directive No 5/2013-SR, which is published on due to the creation of adequate conditions for participation in the entrance test from the side of the STU. The applicants with specific needs at their request based on the assessment of their needs will have the form and way of taking part in the entrance examination considering their specific needs.

In case of delivered application form electronically, an applicant will deliver also required documents to the application form scanned and inserted as a pdf attachment. Accepted applicant will deliver the certified copy of the document on the fulfilled condition for the acceptance for the study of the study programme, which is the school-leaving certificate or the document proving the recognition of the completed secondary education according to letter c) up to f) of this paragraph in theday of the enrolment for the study at the latest. In case the application form does not contain all data or not all required documents published in this point are attached, the IM SUT is entitled to ask the applicants to fix the drawbacks of the application form and the completion of the missing documents in the determined time. If applicants do not fulfil this condition in the given time, they will receive the decision about not acceptance for the study in SP due to not fulfilment of conditions for acceptance to the study.

Podmienky pre zahraničných študentov

    For the students applying to study  in English language the certificate level B1 is required.

    Podmienky prijatia bez prijímacej skúšky

    Applicants with the overall study average from the secondary school up to 2.8 including (without calculating the school results from the last year) do not have to undergo the entrance test

    Koordinátor pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami

    Mgr. Alexandra Šušková Jurkovičová

    Všeobecné informácie k prijímacej skúške

    In particular parts of the entrance examination,the applicant can gain the following points: -Creativity test and test of spatial perception maximum 60 points

    -Test of logical thinking and general knowledge in natural and social sciences maximum 40 points.

    The applicant might gain a maximum of 100 points,successful passing of the entrance examination is conditioned by gaining a minimum 50 points.

    Forma prijímacej skúšky

    The entrance examination is done as a written test and it is anonymous


    -Creativity test and test of spatial perception

    -Test of logical thinking and general knowledge in natural and social sciences

    • Podanie prihlášky na štúdium

      01.03.2025 - 10.03.2025

    Vždy aktuálne novinky o vysokej škole Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave na vašom e-maile.
    Pošleme vám všetky informácie o dôležitých udalostiach a termínoch.

    Posielajte mi novinky

    Predpokladaný počet prijatých uchádzačov

    Aktuálny počet podaných prihlášok:

    Ročné školné
    Štandardná dĺžka štúdia: 3500 €
    Doplňujúce informácie k ročnému školnému:
    Úplné znenie smernice rektora STU o školnom a poplatkoch:
    prejsť na internú smernicu školy

    Poplatok za prijímacie konanie
    písomná prihláška: 50 €
    elektronická prihláška: 50 €

    Fakturačné údaje

    Bank Data

    Beneficiary ́s IBAN : SK8881800000007000084007

    Beneficiary ́s Account Name: Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

    Beneficiary ́s Address: Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava

    Country Code: SKBIC/SWIFT

    Beneficiary Bank Code: SPSRSKBA

    Beneficiary Bank :Štátna pokladnica Radlinského 32810 05 BratislavaSlovakia

    Variable symbol (application form in the shop ŠEVT): 9071002324

    Variable symbol: number e-application form (application form in the electronic form)

    Prefer to fill in the application form electronically, using the Academic Information System AIS 

    Vždy aktuálne novinky o vysokej škole Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave na vašom e-maile.
    Pošleme vám všetky informácie o dôležitých udalostiach a termínoch.

    Posielajte mi novinky

    Detail študijného programu

    Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. Viac informácií

    Detail študijného programu


    0911 154 882
    0910 288 664
    037 / 6414881
    037 / 6414890
    (7.30 - 15.30 h.)


    Zodpovednosť za obsah: Mgr. Katarína Matúšková –
    Posledná aktualizácia: 13.03.2025 02:51

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