Financie, bankovníctvo a investovanie

The graduate has the prerequisites to assess and solve theoretical and practical problems in the fields of finance (private and public finance, commercial and central banking, insurance, investing, etc.) and is able to creatively apply new knowledge in pedagogical, economic and social practice. He is professionally prepared to manage and participate in solving analytical tasks and research projects.

A strong emphasis is placed on mastering the methods and techniques of economic, financial, banking and investment analysis and more complex research, statistical and econometric methods. The graduate is ready to know and use appropriate methods and analytical tools after starting a job.

The study program is based on an individual approach to the student and on the principle of student independence.

Uplatnenie absolventov

The educational objectives of ŠP FBI_Ing_D_sk are:
- to provide students with a high-quality 2nd-level university education (EKR/NKR/SKKR level 7), which includes comprehensive knowledge of the issues of finance, banking, investment and insurance, through completion of profile compulsory and compulsory optional subjects with current content, taught through modern teaching methods. At this level of study, it is general knowledge as well as professional and methodological knowledge, serving as a basis for innovation and originality in practice, or research.
- develop and support students; abilities and skills. On the basis of the provided knowledge, give students the opportunity to acquire abilities and skills. Cognitive skills - to design and evaluate solutions to methodological, professional and practical problems from the areas of the FBI, by mastering and using methods of quantification, model simulation and verification, as well as practical skills - to implement and evaluate solutions to professional, practical or scientific problems, to create implementation projects and evaluation procedures to activities from the department, to formulate recommendations for the development of the given area.
- regularly monitor and set all parameters and attributes of the SP, communicate with practice in order to update the requirements for graduates so that, after obtaining a modern and high-quality education, graduates have the competencies that allow them to creatively assess the basic economic and financial contexts of the economy of countries, sectors and companies, act and to make decisions on the basis of knowledge of broad socio-economic contexts with a high degree of independence and foresight in known and unknown environments, with initiative and responsibility for managing the work of a work team, with the application of innovative and creative thinking and professional presentation of the results of one´;s own study or practice.
- enable the flexibility of learning trajectories and the achievement of educational outcomes by providing different paths of personal profiling, give students the opportunity to obtain advanced expertise in a selected narrower field of knowledge - the possibility of specialization: analyst of international financial institutions, data and quantitative economics, financial analyst, company information systems specialist.

Graduates of the ŠP FBI_Ing_D_sk have knowledge related to the main topics of the core of knowledge from the first level of the ŠP: macro and micro economic theory, business economics, financial science, monetary and economic policy, banking.
After completing the FBI 2nd degree SP, the graduate has knowledge, can demonstrate their understanding and use them as a basis for originality in developing and applying theories and concepts in practice as well as in research. This is primarily knowledge and understanding in the areas of:
- finance: financial market, financial instruments, institutions, transactions, valuation of companies;
- banking: risks in banking, mortgage banking, bank audit;
- investments: valuation of investment intentions, investing in CP, portfolio analysis, technical analysis;
- international markets - euro currency markets, foreign exchange markets, forward trades, option and swap trades, financial futures;
- theoretical and practical issues of the balance of payments – foreign exchange reserves, international monetary systems;
- insurance, auditing and tax consulting, electronic trading;
- econometrics, econometric modeling, basics of economic statistics, modeling of economic processes;
This knowledge and their understanding are the basis of the ability to creatively solve tasks, assigned problems in a new or unfamiliar environment and wider context, especially in connection with practice. Graduates of the engineering study program "Finance, Banking and Investment" are able to independently specify, analyze and communicate current problems of the economy, corporate practice, and selected areas of state administration ... as well as provide solutions to tasks of a more complex nature in these areas with advanced expertise in the areas of finance , banking, investment and insurance. Based on the acquired knowledge in these areas, they are able to demonstrate skills - independently perform specialized analyzes and propose solutions, supported by statistical econometric and data analyses.
A strong point of a graduate of ŠP FBI_Ing_D_sk is a high level of information literacy and ICT skills, which consists primarily of advanced control of the Windows operating system and the MS-Office package. In addition, graduates are able to perform most of the analyzes with the help of the R program and its specialized packages. They have basic knowledge of algorithmization, working with multidimensional data and computer visualization.
As part of the ability to work with data and their interpretation, graduates have a detailed knowledge base in the field of descriptive and inductive statistics, at the basic application level they are able to use methods of multivariate statistics, selected basic methods of artificial intelligence for solving decision-making problems and problem solving in corporate and international finance.
On the basis of knowledge, their understanding and acquired abilities and skills, graduates are able to solve even more difficult/complex problems and tasks, they are able to formulate decisions and accept social and ethical responsibility.
In analyses, proposals and solutions at an advanced level, they use appropriate information technologies that enable them to solve tasks independently, analyze responsibly/consistently, present solutions and communicate, advocate in the context of broad contexts.
By choosing different paths of personal profiling, the graduate has the opportunity to obtain advanced expertise in a selected narrower field of knowledge in the given field.
They can clearly communicate and justify their solutions and decisions at the appropriate/required level of expertise.
Independence, adaptability, creativity, ability to learn, loyalty and personal integrity can be listed among the important personal competencies of graduates. The SP setting strongly supports collaboration, communication skills, critical thinking and leadership skills.
Graduates understand and identify with the need for continuous/lifelong/continuous education and self-study. The acquired education provides them with an overview and direct contact with a wide range of modern and innovative educational methods - they have experience with education in an online environment in a distance form - e-learning, using LMS Moodle, webex and MS Teams platforms. During the course of the studies, the graduate is educated with the predominant use of active and activating educational methods aimed at the practical use of acquired knowledge (various variants of experiential learning, dialogue learning, collaborative learning, problem-based learning, competitive learning). Student-oriented modern teaching methods and active cooperation with partners from practice support the development of personal, interpersonal and social competencies.

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Podmienky prijatia

Bez prijímacích skúšok

Podmienky prijatia bez prijímacej skúšky

Koordinátor pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami

Fakultná koordinátorka pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami

PhDr. Radka Čopková, PhD.
Telefón: +421 55 602 2286

Všeobecné informácie k prijímacej skúške

  • Podanie prihlášky na štúdium


Vždy aktuálne novinky o vysokej škole Technická univerzita v Košiciach na vašom e-maile.
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Predpokladaný počet prijatých uchádzačov

  • bakalársky diplom (elektronická forma)
  • životopis (elektronická forma)
  • Potvrdenie o uhradení poplatku za prihlášku (elektronická forma)

Ročné školné
Štandardná dĺžka štúdia: 6000 €
Štúdium dlhšie ako je štandardná dĺžka študijného programu, súbežné štúdium: 6000 €

Poplatok za prijímacie konanie
písomná prihláška: 60 €
elektronická prihláška: 50 €

Fakturačné údaje

Úhrada je možná len prevodným príkazom na účet.
Číslo účtu na poukázanie poplatku: IBAN: SK29 8180 0000 0070 0015 1417
Variabilný symbol: 2025
Konštantný symbol: 0308

Vždy aktuálne novinky o vysokej škole Technická univerzita v Košiciach na vašom e-maile.
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Detail študijného programu

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. Viac informácií

Detail študijného programu


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Zodpovednosť za obsah: doc. Ing. Júlia Ďurčová, PhD. –
Posledná aktualizácia: 03.02.2025 13:57

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