Financie, bankovníctvo a investovanie

The graduate has the prerequisites to assess and solve simple theoretical and practical problems in the fields of finance (private and public finance, commercial and central banking, insurance, investing, etc.) and is able to apply new knowledge in pedagogical, economic and social practice. He is expertly prepared to participate in the solution of simple analytical tasks of projects.

A strong emphasis is placed on mastering the methods and techniques of economic, financial and accounting analysis and basic research and statistical methods. The graduate is ready to know and use appropriate methods and analytical tools after starting a job.

The study program is based on an individual approach to the student and on the principle of student independence.

Uplatnenie absolventov

The aim of the study program "Finance, banking and investing" is to prepare highly qualified experts for practical application in the field of operations of banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions, but also in the field of public finance and corporate practice. The educational objectives of ŠP FBI_Bc_D_sk are:
- to provide students with a high-quality education of the 1st level of higher education (EKR/NKR/SKKR level 6), which includes basic knowledge in the field of business economics and standard economic subjects. It also includes some specialized knowledge of finance, banking and investing, through completion of profile compulsory and compulsory optional subjects with current content, taught through modern teaching methods. At this level of study, it is general knowledge as well as professional and methodological knowledge, serving as a basis for innovation and originality in practice.
- develop and support students; abilities and skills. On the basis of the provided knowledge, give students the opportunity to acquire abilities and skills. Cognitive skills - to propose and evaluate solutions to methodological, professional and practical problems from the areas of business economics as well as specialized areas of finance, banking and investment by mastering and using methods of quantification, model simulation and verification, as well as practical skills - to implement and evaluate solutions to professional, practical or scientific problems, create implementation projects and evaluation procedures for activities from the field, formulate recommendations for the development of the given area.
- regularly monitor and set all parameters and attributes of the SP, communicate with practice in order to update the requirements for graduates so that, after obtaining a modern and high-quality education, graduates have the competencies that allow them to creatively assess the basic economic and financial contexts of the economy of countries, sectors and companies, act and make decisions on the basis of knowledge of broad socio-economic contexts with a high degree of independence and foresight in known and unknown environments, with initiative and responsibility for managing the work of a work team, with the application of innovative and creative thinking and professional presentation of the results of one´s own studies or practice.
- enable the flexibility of learning trajectories and the achievement of educational outcomes by providing different paths of personal profiling, give students the opportunity to obtain advanced expertise in a selected narrower field of knowledge - the possibility of specialization: analyst of international financial institutions, data and quantitative economics, financial analyst, company information systems specialist.

Graduates of the bachelor´s study program for the study of the field of study "Finance, banking and investing" are able to systematize and analyze current problems of the corporate economy as well as selected areas of state administration. They have basic expertise in the field of business economics, management and marketing. In the course of their studies, they deepen their knowledge of accounting, taxation and corporate finance. In this area, they are able to independently carry out specialized analyzes and activities and lead smaller work teams. They are able to understand the assigned tasks in the context of theoretical micro- and macroeconomic contexts, which is served by completing several standard theoretical subjects. They have basic skills to acquire and interpret professional data and information, they know how to solve basic problems and discuss and defend solutions. They know how to communicate the proposed solutions to professional as well as lay audiences. Bachelor´s degree graduates have developed educational skills so that they can continue to the second level of study.

During the course of the studies, the graduate is educated with the predominant use of active pedagogical methods aimed at practical use (various variants of experiential learning, dialogue learning, collaborative learning, problem learning, competitive learning). This affects his personal, interpersonal and social competences. In addition, the graduate has language skills of at least two world languages. One language (mostly English) at “A” level? and a second language at level “B?”.

Information literacy consists of professional mastery of the MS-Office package, which is used by default under the Windows operating system. Within the field, he works with selected R software packages with a focus on data processing and computer visualization. The graduate has knowledge of the basics of algorithmization and working with extensive databases. As part of his ability to work with data and interpret it, the graduate has a detailed knowledge base in the field of descriptive and inductive statistics. In addition, at a basic level, he is able to use methods of multivariate statistics and selected methods of artificial intelligence. The graduate has experience with distance education - E-learning. At the end, the graduate proves his readiness before the state examination committee.

The exam consists of a bachelor´s thesis defense (abstract in a foreign language) and an exam in professional subjects.

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Doplňujúce informácie

Podmienky pre zahraničných študentov

Bez prijímacích skúšok

Koordinátor pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami

Faculty coordinator for working with students with special needs
PhDr. Radka Čopková, PhD.
Telephone number: +421 55 602 2286

Všeobecné informácie k prijímacej skúške

  • Podanie prihlášky na štúdium


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Predpokladaný počet prijatých uchádzačov

  • maturitné vysvedčenie
  • životopis
  • Potvrdenie o uhradení poplatku za prihlášku

Ročné školné
Štandardná dĺžka štúdia: 5000 €
Štúdium dlhšie ako je štandardná dĺžka študijného programu, súbežné štúdium: 5000 €

Poplatok za prijímacie konanie
písomná prihláška: 60 €
elektronická prihláška: 50 €

Fakturačné údaje

Payment is only possible by transfer payment to the account.
Account number to pay the fee: IBAN: SK29 8180 0000 0070 0015 1417
Variable symbol: 2025
Constant symbol: 0308

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Detail študijného programu

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. Viac informácií

Detail študijného programu


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Zodpovednosť za obsah: doc. Ing. Júlia Ďurčová, PhD. –
Posledná aktualizácia: 26.11.2024 14:33

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