Ekonomika a manažment verejnej správy

A graduate, of the first degree of Study Program Economics and Public Administration Management, has knowledge from financial mathematics, statistics, commonly used software solutions. Graduate understands the basic principles of economy, public administration, public finances and regional development. He or she is also able to practically apply knowledge from accounting, management, marketing, project management and law. After completing their studies, graduates are competent to independently solve common problems of economic practice in the private and public sector and manage small teams.

Uplatnenie absolventov

The aim of the bachelor's study program Economics and management of public administration in the field of study Economics and management is to prepare qualified experts with a profile in a combination of economic, law and socio-political sciences both for economic practice and for further continuation of studies at the 2nd level. The study program therefore allows students to graduate after obtaining a bachelor's degree, or to continue in a subsequent engineering study program in Economics and Public Administration Management, or other fields of study with an economic focus. Bachelor's degree graduates have very good factual, conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills in areas focused on data processing and economic processes modeling  (mathematics, informatics, statistics); professional economics subjects and management (through profile subjects: regional economy and politics; theory of public administration, management and business and entrepreneurship, as well as through  compulsory subjects such as law, marketing and project management). At the same time, students take social science courses aimed at developing soft skills (psychology, communication, sociology). An important part of the study is to introduce students with the rules and principles of academic writing, literature review processing techniques, quantitative and qualitative research methods, which they will use in case of continuing to the 2nd level of study (Profile course: bachelor's seminar). Significant emphasis is placed on developing students' language skills (Eglish courses +  another optional world language course). Students can improve their English language also through the "Anglophone" program (profile courses in English are provided by regular faculty staff, optional courses are provided by foreign lecturers). Students can use possibility to stay  at one of our partner Universities through the ERASMUS program.

Graduates can find job in public administration, but also in the non-profit  organizations and private sector in the fields of planning, project management, accounting, taxes, administration, or in business.

Graduates are flexible, with good language skulls  and ready to work in international teams. They are able to solve problems independently, think analytically and critically and communicate outputs and solutions. They can lead smaller teams and cooperate effectively in teams. Students are able to use knowledge  fom different areas and are ready to participate in solving complex practical problems (projects) in the field of public administration, non-profit sector, but also in the private sector. They have sufficient knowledge and skills to act independently  in the field of financial, personnel or project management in public administration organizations, the non-profit sector, but also in national and international companies.

A strong emphasis is focused on understanding and the ability to independently apply standard economic principles, procedures and methods from the field of public administration and the private sector, basic legal regulations, accounting and taxation, data processing and analysis. Students also have good theoretical knowledge as well as skills in management, communication, psychology and sociology, which enables them to function in lower and middle management positions in various organizations.

The study program is based on an individual approach to the student and on the principles of independence and autonomy.
The study program is designed with the aim of:
•    to create space for comprehensive and high-quality education in the field of public administration and management;
•    to introduce to students the latest/up-to-date theoretical knowledge in the field of economics;
•    to teach students to practically apply standard mathematical and statistical methods and tools  and data analysis;
•    to teach students to aply basic economic principles and processes in both the public and private sectors;
•    to teach students to practically apply knowledge in the field of accounting, taxes, law, business management and marketing, public administration and regional development;
•    to develop  students' critical and analytical thinking and soft skills - communication, presentation, independence, teamwork;
•    to prepare students to independently solve problems (projects) in practice;
•    to prepare students for active communication (verbal and written) in the English language and advanced communication in a second world language;
•    to prepare students for independent work in practice and/or continuation of studies at the 2nd level of university studies in economic fields in SLovakia or abroad.

The bachelor´s degree of the Economics and Management of Public Administration study program provides students with knowledge in mathematics-statistics, economics, law and social sciences.
Upon completion of the study program, graduates should have acquired:

(i) knowledge:
•    of procedures from higher mathematics, financial mathematics and statistics and its use in economic analyses;
•    from the field of business hardware, software, cloud services and computer security, detailed knowledge of working with common business software for processing, analysis and presentation of big data in the management of various organizations;
•    on basic mechanisms and processes in the macro and microeconomic , including knowledge about the application of quantitative and qualitative models;
•    on accounting principles in private organizations and public administration organizations and knowledge about the application of tax laws in Slovakia;
•    on basic theoretical approaches in management, marketing and project management;
•    on basics of legal theory in various legal branches regulating economic relations with a more detailed focus on administrative law;
•    on concepts and organizational models of public administration and issues of public finances at different levels,
•    on theoretical concepts in regional economics and development;
•    on basic theories applied in sociology and psychology.

(ii) skills
•    have the ability to apply methods and procedures of higher mathematics, financial mathematics and statistics in various types of economic and social science analyses;
•    have the ability  to process data with the help of common ICT tools and programming languages, work with the database management system and applications enabling the creation of models used in the company´s information strategy;
•    be able to apply quantitative and qualitative macro and microeconomic models;
•    be able  to keep double-entry bookkeeping, understand the specifics of public administration accounting, understand the issue of taxes with the private sector;
•    be able to apply basic procedures in management, marketing and project management;
•    be able to practically apply basic knowledge in the areas of civil, commercial, labor, financial and administrative law as well as the basics of European Union law;

(iii) competences
•    understand current concepts related to the field of study economics and management, especially with an emphasis on economic processes and management;
•    be able to apply knowledge in the field of accounting, taxes, law, management and marketing in economic practice;
•    create a comprehensive project;
•    work independently with basic economic information systems and  common softwares for statistical data processing;
•    apply acquired soft skills (communication, teamwork, presentation skills, independent work);
•    actively communicate (verbally and in writing) in the English language and communicate at an "advanced" level in a second world language;
•    independently solve common problems in economic practice;
•    manage small teams.

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Podmienky prijatia


Podmienky pre zahraničných študentov


Bez prijímacích skúšok

Podmienky prijatia bez prijímacej skúšky


Koordinátor pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami

Faculty coordinator for working with students with special needs
PhDr. Radka Čopková, PhD.
Contact: radka.copkova@tuke.sk
Telephone number: +421 55 602 2286

Všeobecné informácie k prijímacej skúške


  • Podanie prihlášky na štúdium


Vždy aktuálne novinky o vysokej škole Technická univerzita v Košiciach na vašom e-maile.
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Predpokladaný počet prijatých uchádzačov

  • maturitné vysvedčenie (elektronická forma)
  • životopis (elektronická forma)
  • Potvrdenie o uhradení poplatku za prihlášku (elektronická forma)

Ročné školné
Štandardná dĺžka štúdia: 5000 €
Štúdium dlhšie ako je štandardná dĺžka študijného programu, súbežné štúdium: 5000 €

Poplatok za prijímacie konanie
písomná prihláška: 60 €
elektronická prihláška: 50 €

Fakturačné údaje

Payment is only possible by transfer payment to the account.
Account number to pay the fee: IBAN: SK29 8180 0000 0070 0015 1417
Variable symbol: 2025
Constant symbol: 0308

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Detail študijného programu

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. Viac informácií

Detail študijného programu


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Zodpovednosť za obsah: doc. Ing. Júlia Ďurčová, PhD. – julia.durcova@tuke.sk
Posledná aktualizácia: 03.02.2025 13:56

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