Aerospace Systems (letecké a kozmické systémy)

Uplatnenie absolventov

A graduate of the doctoral study program Aerospace Systems in the field of study Transport masters scientific methods of research and development in the field, demonstrating the ability and readiness for independent creative and research activities in the given area. The graduate is capable of abstracting scientific problems while studying foreign scientific literature and is prepared to shape trends and concepts of development in technically and computationally supported aerospace designs and technologies.

A graduate of the third level of the study program Aerospace Systems in the field of study Transport may work as an independent creative designer and developer of elements, modules, nodes, and components of aerospace technology; as an independent creative worker in the field of software products for aviation, astronautics, and the development of new information systems in these areas; or as the leader of interdisciplinary research and design teams, capable of working in international project teams and conducting research in design, technology, and operations.

In addition to the aforementioned knowledge, a graduate of the third level of higher education in the field of "Aerospace Systems" acquires the following additional knowledge, abilities, and skills:

  • Is capable of leading both small and large teams of scientific, research, and development workers, managing large projects, and taking responsibility for comprehensive solutions to scientific and research problems.
  • Will be able to monitor the latest scientific and research trends in aviation and astronautics and continuously supplement and update their knowledge in the field of aerospace systems through lifelong learning.
  • Will adopt principles of managerial work, experimental design with time scheduling, team leadership, and supervision of team members.
  • Can communicate and collaborate with managers of scientific projects and specialists from other professions and apply legal, social, moral, ethical, economic, and environmental aspects of their profession in their work.

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Podmienky prijatia

The condition for admission to doctoral studies in the academic year 2025/2026 is the completion of the second level of higher education and the successful completion of the entrance examination.

Applications for doctoral studies, in which the applicant specifies, in addition to the study program, one of the listed dissertation topics in the respective study program along with the supervisor's name (§ 54 paras. 5–7), are to be submitted electronically or delivered by the applicant to the Department for Science, Research, and Third-Level Studies at LF TUKE, or sent by post (registered mail).

The application (PhD Application) must be accompanied by the applicant's CV, certified copies of documents confirming the completion of studies, a list of previously published professional and scientific works, a draft project for the dissertation topic, and proof of payment for the admission process fee.

Forma prijímacej skúšky

The admission examination (§ 57, para. 3 of the Act) consists of a language section and a subject specific interview . The number of applicants admitted to full-time study depends on the number of doctoral positions available at the Faculty of Aeronautics. The dean decides on the admission of applicants based on the recommendation or ranking of applicants determined by the admissions committee in the respective field of study.

  • Podanie prihlášky na štúdium


  • Konanie prijímacej skúšky


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Predpokladaný počet prijatých uchádzačov

Ročné školné
Štandardná dĺžka štúdia: 7000 €

Poplatok za prijímacie konanie
písomná prihláška: 70 €
elektronická prihláška: 60 €

Fakturačné údaje

IBAN: SK96 8180 0000 0070 0020 1621

Variabilný symbol:55903 Konštantný symbol: 0308 Text pre prijímateľa:Meno Priezvisko

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Detail študijného programu

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. Viac informácií

Detail študijného programu


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Zodpovednosť za obsah: doc. Ing. Peter Kaľavský, PhD. –
Posledná aktualizácia: 17.12.2024 13:13

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