Automatizovaný skúšací systém využívajúci moderné informačné technológie
Základné informácie
Tematická oblasť: komisia č. 2 pre nové technológie, metódy a formy vo vzdelávaní
Názov projektu (slovenský): Automatizovaný skúšací systém využívajúci moderné informačné technológie
Názov projektu (anglický): Automated testing system utilizing moder information technologies
Začiatok riešenia projektu: 2012
Koniec riešenia projektu: 2014
Stav projektu: Ukončený
Číslo projektu: 005TUKE-4/2012
Vedúci projektu: prof. Ing. Dobroslav Kováč, CSc.
Vysoká škola: Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Pracovisko: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky
Anotácia originálnych výsledkov riešenia projektu v slovenskom jazyku
Projekt bol zameraný na vývoj a aplikáciu moderného interaktívneho testovacieho systému využívajúceho súčasné špičkové informačné technológie. Výsledným riešením projektu je pracovisko s PC technikou a vytvoreným programom, na ktorom môže pedagóg otestovať a študent si overiť úroveň vedomostí z daného predmetu pomocou sofistikovaných a interaktívnych didaktických metód. Objektívne hodnotenie úrovne vedomostí študenta je dosiahnuté automatizáciou celého procesu.
Počas riešenia projektu vzniklo viac ako 165 publikovaných prác, z toho 1 vedecká monografia, 8 učebníc, 16 článkov v zahraničných a domácich vedeckých časopisoch, pričom niektoré z nich sú databázové (nachádzajú sa v databázach Thomson, SCOPUS a pod.), 36 príspevkov publikovaných v zborníkoch z domácich a zahraničných konferencií a 104 príspevkov publikovaných v recenzovaných vedeckých zborníkoch. Bolo podaných 8 patentových prihlášok a bol získaný 1 patent.
Anotácia originálnych výsledkov riešenia projektu v anglickom jazyku
Project was oriented on development and application of modern interactive testing system utilizing actual high information technologies. Project solution result consists from place of work with PC techniques and developed program, on which an educationist can examine and a student can verify his level of knowledge from the given subject by sophisticated and interactive didactic method. Disinterested ranking of student knowledge level is achievement by automation of full process.
More than 165 published results were generated during project solving time. They consists from 1 scientific monograph, 8 educational textbooks, 16 papers in foreign and domestic scientific journals (some of them are in database Thomson or Scopus), 36 contributions published in proceedings from domestic and foreign conferences and 104 contributions published in reviewed scientific proceedings. Also 8 patent applications was applied and 1 patent was obtained.
Finančná dotácia z MŠVVaŠ SR v rámci KEGA
Finančná dotácia z MŠVVaŠ SR v rámci KEGA | Kapitálové výdavky v € | |
Čerpané v roku 2012 | 8 663,00 | 0,00 |
Čerpané v roku 2013 | 6 169,00 | 0,00 |
Čerpané v roku 2014 | 5 940,00 | 0,00 |
Čerpané za celé obdobie riešenia projektu | 20 772,00 | 0,00 |
Zoznam výstupov projektu za celé obdobie riešenia
Publikačná činnosť
Kód kategórie | Konkrétny výstup, názov (ISBN, počet strán a i.) |
ADF | Guzan, M. - Sobota, B. – Astaloš, J.: Výpočet hraničnej plochy použitím technológií Grid a GPGPU. In: Posterus. Roč. 5, č. 10 (2012), s. 1-9, ISSN 1338-0087 |
ACB | Mojžiš, M.: Návody k číslicovému meraniu. In: VŠ učebnica, TU Košice, február 2012, 67 strán, ISBN 978-80-553-0866-1 |
ACB | Mojžiš, M.: Informatické a priemyselné meranie. In: VŠ učebnica, TU Košice, február 2012, 77 strán, ISBN 978-80-553-0867-8 |
ACB | Vince, T. - Bačko, M.: Windows Server – prednášky, II. diel. In: VŠ učebnica, TU Košice, marec 2012, 80 strán, ISBN 978-80-553-0898-2 |
AFC | Vince, T. - Kováč, D.: Teach-robot remote control using global network. In: Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods: 28. - 29.3.2012: Kremenchuk, pp. 61-62, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AFC | Kováč, D. - Perduľak, J. - Vansáč, M.: Control design of multiphase boost converter with high energy efficiency. In: Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods: 28. - 29.3.2012: Kremenchuk, pp. 93-94, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AFC | Molnár, J.: Automatic measurement of magnetic field. In: Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods: 28. - 29.3.2012: Kremenchuk, pp. 59-60, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AFC | Vansáč, M. - Tomčíková, I. - Perduľak, J.: Circuit Simulation Using Sparse Tableau analysis in Matlab. In: Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods: 28. - 29.3.2012: Kremenchuk, pp. 19-20, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AFD | Perduľak, J. – Khrebtova, O. – Leshchk, O.: A Novel Multiphase Boost Converter with High Efficiency of Energy Conversion. In: 12th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Košice: 15.5.2012: Herľany, pp. 275-278, ISBN 978-80-553-0943-9 |
AFC | Vince, T. - Kováč, D. - Molnár, J.: VMLab in the Education. In: Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información: Actas de la 7ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información: 20. - 22.6.2012: Madrid, pp. 334 - 338, ISBN 978-989-96247-7-1 |
ACB | Vince, T. - Bačko, M.: Windows Server – prednášky, III. Diel. In: VŠ učebnica, TU Košice, august 2012, 71 strán, ISBN 978-80-553-1052-7 |
AED | Vince, T.: Vývoj softvéru pre vzdialené meranie variabilných topológií. In: Electrical Engineering and Informatics III, Proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice, September 2012 Košice, pp. 818-821, ISBN 978-80-553-0890-6 |
AED | Molnár, J. - Vince, T.: Diagnostika napájacej sústavy automobilu na báze internetu. In: Electrical Engineering and Informatics III, Proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice, September 2012 Košice, pp. 811-817, ISBN 978-80-553-0890-6 |
AED | Hocko, P. – Molnár, J.: Návrh a realizácia automatizovaného meracieho reťazca na báze GSM siete. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 47 - 49, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Števák, M., Molnár, J.: Design and realization of the measurement chain based on embedded systém. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 69 - 70, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AFC | Hodulíková, A. - Kováč, D.: Simulation of magnetic fields of elastomagnetic sensor in COSMOS/EMS enviroment. In: Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods: 28. - 29.3.2012: Kremenchuk, pp. 85-86, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AED | Nemetz, M. - Hodulíková, A.: Desing and implementation of graphical user interface to view the status of the measured values. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 52 - 55, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Šomský, M. - Kováč, D.: Analysis of possible involvement of fast-charger the batteries of electric cars. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 66 - 68, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Barci, P. - Vince, T.: Analýza a návrh webového portálu pre riadenie prístupového systému. In: SSIEE – 2012, Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 5 - 7, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Dušecina, M. - Vince, T.: Návrh užívateľského prostredia VMLab klienta použitím webových technológií. In: SSIEE – 2012, Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 21 - 23, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Kitz, M. - Vince, T. - Hrozek, F.: Visualization Software Tools for Information Purposes. In: SSIEE – 2012, Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 36 - 39, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Lipták, O. - Vince, T.: Praktická realizácia automatizovaného systému riadeného SIMATIC S7-300. In: SSIEE – 2012, Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 47 - 49, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Poldruhák, V. - Kováč, D.: Computer simulation of electrical circuits at high frequencies. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 63 - 65, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Pokorný, J. - Kováč, D.: Using operational amplifier in the current probe design. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 60 - 62, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Palgut, P. - Kováč, D.: Circuit that prevents power overload of transistor. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 56 - 59, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Mikolajová, L. - Kováč, D.: The simulation model of single-phase rectifier with IGBT. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 50 - 51, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Kyšeľa, D. - Kováč, D.: Creating a simulation model of transformer from the measured and calculated parameters. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 43 - 46, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Hricko, J. - Kováč, D.: AC drives controlled by IC 555. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 33 - 35, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Gallik, D. - Kováč, D.: Magnetic materials. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 24 - 27, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Brezina, P. - Kováč, D.: Simulation scheme of the electronic over current protection. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 17 - 20, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AED | Varga, R. - Kováč, D.: Power signal generator. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering SSIEE - 2012. FEI TU Košice, 2012, pp. 75 - 77, ISBN 978-80-553-1179-1 |
AFD | Guzan, M. - Sobota, B.: Hraničná plocha viac-hodnotovej pamäte v 3D. In:Medzinárodná konferencia učiteľov elektrotechniky, SEKEL 2012: 5. - 7.9.2012: STU Bratislava, Modra – Harmónia, s. 75-80, ISBN: 978-80-227-3781-4 |
ACB | Mojžiš,M. - Guzan,M.: Návody z metrológie. In: VŠ učebnica, TU Košice, apríl 2012, 81 strán, ISBN 978-80-553-0907-1 |
AGJ | Patentová prihláška: Analógový generátor impulzov pre viacfázový zvyšovací DC/DC menič. PV č. 00008-2012 |
AGJ | Patentová prihláška: Technická cievka pre výkonové rezonančné obvody. PV č. 00009-2012 |
AGJ | Patentová prihláška: Modifikovaná technická cievka pre výkonové rezonančné obvody. PV č. 00010-2012 |
AGJ | Patentová prihláška: Zapojenie dvojice technických cievok pre výkonové rezonančné obvody pre tvorbu magnetického poľa. PV č. 00007-2012 |
ADE | Hodulíková A., Kováč D. : Some metrological properties of an elastomagnetic sensor of pressure force. In: Electromechanical and energy saving systems, No. 3 (2012), pp. 493-496, ISSN 2072-2052 |
AFC | Bačko M., Bratash O., Ogar V.: Energy output of photovoltaics and wind energy in Košice region during winter months. In: Proceeding of 12th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Košice, Herľany 2012,, Technical Univeristy of Kosice, pp. 340-343, ISBN 978-80-553-0943-9 |
AED | Bačko M., Kováč D.: Heat losses assessment program verification on real-life object with determination of thermal power needed. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 92-96, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AFC | Bačko M., Kováč D.: Wind and thermal energy as an energy source for selected heating device based upon object's thermal requirements. In: Proceeding of XIV International PhD Workshop OWD 2012, Wisla - Gliwice (Poland), Silesian University of Technology, 2012, pp. 133-138, ISBN 978-83-935427-0-3 |
AFC | Bačko M., Kováč D.: Determination of ratio between convective and radiative heat flux from source of heat in object. In: Proceeding of Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 2013, pp. 172-173, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AFD | Bačko M., Mamchur D.: Assessment of heat source´s heat flux distribution. In: SCYR 2013: Proceedings from Conference: 13th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers, Herľany, Technická Univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 286-289, ISBN 978-80-553-1422-8 |
AED | Bučko R.: Success rate of isolated words recognition by embedded system. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 97-100, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AFC | Bučko,R.: A speech recognition method based on spectrogram and parzen's window. In: Proceeding of Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 2013, pp. 77-78, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AFC | Dziak J., Tomčíková I.: Creating visual application for analysis of electric circuits using MATLAB GUIDE. In: Proceeding of Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 2013, pp. 317-318, ISBN 2079-5106 |
AFD | Dziak J.: Selection of method for computer-based circuits simulation. In: Proceeding of 13th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Košice, Herľany, Technical University of Košice, 2013, pp. 398-400, ISBN 978-80-553-1422-8 |
AED | Dziak J., Tomčíková I.: Overview of method for computer circuits simulation. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 101-103, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
ADF | Guzan M., Sobota B., Astaloš J.: Výpočet hraničnej plochy použitím technológií Grid a GPGPU. In: Posterus. Roč. 5, č. 10 (2012), str. 1-9, ISSN 1338 - 0087 |
ADE | Guzan M.: Boundary Surface of 5-Valued Memory. In: Journal of Engineering, Vol. 2013, no. 1, 2013, pp. 7, ISSN 2314-4904 |
AED | Brenišin J., Guzan M. Vince T.: Power Pivot Pivot – novinka pre spracovanie údajov. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 6-11, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Dvorčák P., Guzan M.: Android – možnosti, výhody a nevýhody. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 16-20, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Dvorčák P., Guzan M.: Android on computer with Windows. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 21-24, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Dvorčák P., Guzan M.: Android version history. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 25-29, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AFC | Guzan M., Astaloš J.: Calculation of stable manifold using grid technology. In: Proceeding of Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 2013, pp. 67-68, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AED | Hodulíková A.: Simulation model of elastomagnetic pressure force sensor 120kN. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 104-109, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AFC | Hodulíková A.: Verification of elastomagnetic sensor´s output voltage at 120kN. In: Proceeding of Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 2013, pp. 69-70, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AED | Špaldonová D.: Electromagnetic field energy transmission by simple conductor. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 133-136, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AFD | Ocilka M., Pritchenko O.: Dielectric Constant Verification Using COMSOL Multiphysics. In: SCYR 2013: Proceedings from Conference: 13th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers, Herľany, Technická Univerzita v Košiciach, str. 310-313, ISBN 978-80-553-1422-8 |
AFC | Ocilka M., Kováč D.: Modeling of Coil Placed in Aluminum Enclosure Using COMSOL Multiphysics. In: Proceeding of Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods, Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrogradskiy National University, 2013 pp. 325-326, ISBN 2079-5106 |
AFC | Ocilka M., Kováč D.: Calculation of Inductance of Single-Layer Spiral Coil. In: Proceeding of OWD 2012: 14th International PhD Workshop, Wisla-Gliwice Silesian University of Technology, 2012, pp. 471-474, ISBN978-83-935427-0-3 |
AED | Ocilka M., Kováč D.: Experimental Verification of Inductance of Double-Layer Spiral Coil. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 124-127, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
ADN | Perduľak J., Kováč D., Kováčová I., Ocilka M., Gladyr A., Mamchur D., Zachepa I., Vince T., Molnár J.: Effective utilization of photovoltaic energy using multiphase boost converter in comparison with single phase boost converter. In: Communications, Žilinská univerzita, no. 3(2013), pp. 32-38, ISSN 1335-4205 |
AED | Tomčíková I.: Analysis of circuits containing operational amplifiers in MATLAB. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 137-138, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Hricko J., Vince T.: Android application for controlling LEGO MINDSTORMS robot. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 35-37, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Palgut P., Vince T.: Android application for controlling Spykee robot. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 51-53, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Barci P., Vince T.: Webový portál pre riadenie prístupového systému. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 73-75, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Dušecina M., Vince T.: Užívateľské rozhranie web aplikácie VMLab klient. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 76-79, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Hudák M., Vince T.: Identification of unit and determination of its position over the bar code by smartphone with Android operating system. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 80-83, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AFC | Vince T.: Remote DC motor speed regulation using artific neural network support. In: Proceeding of Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 2013, pp. 75-76, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AED | Vince T.: Odhad váhy objektu sledovaním času pohybu manipulátora. In: Electrical Engineering and Informatics IV, Proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice, September 2013 Košice, str. 18-22, ISBN 978-80-553-1440-2 |
ADN | Ocilka M., Kováč D., Kováčová I., Perduľak J., Gladyr A., Mamchur D., Zachepa I., Vince T., Molnár J.: Serial resonant converter and load coil for high frequency heating. In: Communications, Žilinská univerzita, no. 3(2013), pp. 56-62, ISSN 1335-4205 |
AED | Perduľak J., Kováč D.: Analogue pulse generator for novel multiphase buck-boost converter. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 128-132, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AFD | Perduľak J., Kovalchuk V.: Analogue pulse generator for Multiphase Boost Converter. In: SCYR 2013: Proceedings from Conference: 13th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers, Herľany, Technická Univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 242-245, ISBN 978-80-553-1422-8 |
AFC | Perduľak J., Kováč D.: Comparsion of efficiency of energy conversion of different topology of boost converters. In: Proceeding of Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods, Kremenchuk Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrogradskiy National University, 2013, pp. 71-72, ISBN 2079-5106 |
AFC | Perduľak J., Kováč D.: Multiphase DC/DC Boost Converter with High Efficiency of Energy Conversion. In: Proceeding of OWD 2012: 14th International PhD Workshop, Wisla-Gliwice: Silesian University of Technology, 2012, pp. 387-392, ISBN978-83-935427-0-3 |
ADE | Perduľak J., Kováč D.: Efficiency of Energy Conversion of Novel Concept of Buck-Boost Converter in Comparison With Novel Concept of Multiphase Buck-boost Converter. In: Electromechanical and energy saving systems. No. 2 (2013), pp. 95-100, ISSN 2072-2052 |
ACB | Mojžiš M.: Metrológia elektrických veličín - prednášky. In: TU Košice, Január 2013, 1.vydanie, 80 strán, ISBN 978-80-553-1322-1 |
AED | Gromovský I., Molnár J.: Návrh a realizácia automatického odporového reostatu. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 33-34, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Števák M., Molnár J.: Design and realization of the measurement chain based upon embedded system. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 84-85, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Molnár J. : Proposing for a universal access system based on AVR microcontroller. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 122-123, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AFC | Molnár J.: Proposal of evaluation system for analysis and display of measured data. In: Proceeding of Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods, Kremenchuk Mykhaylo Ostrogradskiy National University, 2013, pp. 310-311, ISBN 2079-5106 |
AED | Kyšeľa D., Kováčová I.: Some basic operational amplifier circuits. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 38-41, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Kyšeľa D., Kováčová I.: Vybrané zapojenia pomocou obvodu NE 555. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 42-44, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Kyšeľa D., Kováčová I.: Vybrané zapojenia tranzistora BC 107A. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 45-47, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Pokorný J., Kováčová I.: Using program Excel for accounting purposes - Inventory card. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 54-56, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Kolla I., Kováč D.: Riadenie cez Internet. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 114-118, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Kolla I., Kováč D.: Mobilný objekt riadený cez Internet. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 110-113, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Brezina P., Kováč D.: Generator of control pulses for three-phase line rectifier. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 12-15, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Gallik D., Kováč D.: Generator of pulses for four-quadrant power converters. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 30-32, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Mako R., Kováč D.: Simplification of production method using innovative tool for CNC. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 48-50, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Schweiner D., Kováč D.: The utilization of fuel cells in photovoltaics. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 57-58, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Šimko S., Kováč D.: The attendance identification system. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 59-60, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Sobota M., Kováč D.: Energy analysis of alternative energy sources. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 61-62, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Šomský M., Kováč D.: Generator of control pulses for one-quadrant pulse converters. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 63-65, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Varga R., Kováč D.: Control pulse generator for network single-phase inverters. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 66-68, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
AED | Výrostko F., Kováč D.: Digital thermostat. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2013, Vol. 2, Part 1, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, pp. 69-71, ISBN 978-80-553-1425-9 |
ACB | Kováčová I.: ZOSP - 1. diel. In: TU Košice, 2013, 1.vydanie, 107 strán, ISBN 978-80-553-1502-7 |
AGJ | Perduľak J., Kováč D., Kováčová I., Vince T., Molnár J.: Zapojenie N hladinového polomostíkového striedača s trojhodnotovým výstupom a sériovými spínačmi. In: patentová prihláška č.00026-2013 |
AGJ | Kováč D., Kováčová I., Perduľak J., Vince T., Molnár J.: Zapojenie N hladinového polomostíkového striedača s trojhodnotovým výstupom a paralelnými spínačmi. In: patentová prihláška č.00032-2013 |
AGJ | Kováč D., Kováčová I.: Zapojenie polomostíkového DC/AC meniča bez nulových diód s RLC záťažou. In: patentová prihláška č.00027-2013 |
AGJ | Kováč D., Kováčová I.: Zapojenie riadiaceho generátora DC/AC meniča s RLC záťažou. In: patentová prihláška č.00028-2013 |
AFC | Perduľak J.: Effective Utilization of Photovoltaic Energy Using Multiphase DC/DC converters. In: Proceeding of XIV International PhD Workshop OWD 2013: 19. -22.10.2013: Wisla - Gliwice: Silesian University of Technology, 2013, p. 145-150, ISBN 978-83-935427-2-7 |
AFC | Vince T., Hricko J.: LEGO Mindstorms robot controlled by Android smartphone. In: Proceeding of XIV International PhD Workshop OWD 2013: 19. -22.10.2013: Wisla - Gliwice: Silesian University of Technology, 2013, p. 62-65, ISBN 978-83-935427-2-7 |
AFC | Molnár J.: Proposal of access system based upon embeded system. In: XIV International PhD Workshop OWD 2013: 19. -22.10.2013: Wisla - Gliwice: Silesian University of Technology, 2013, p. 159-162, ISBN 978-83-935427-2-7 |
AFC | Bačko M., Kováč D.: Real object´s heat loss assessment and analysis of its heating possibilities with utilization of enewable energy sources. In: OWD 2013 : 15 International PhD Workshop : Wisla, 19-22 October 2013. - Gliwice : Silesian University of Technology, 2013 P. 248-253. - ISBN 978-83-935427-2-7 |
AAB | Bačko M., Kováč D.: Teoretická, ekonomická a technická analýza možností využitia netradičných zdrojov energie. In: 1. vydanie - Košiceň: TU – 2013, 151 s., ISBN 978-80-553-1497-6 |
ADE | Hodulíková A.: Simulation model of elastomagnetic sensors. In: Electromechanical and energy saving systems. Scientific production journal, No. 2 (2013), (22) part 2, p. 361-365, ISSN 2072–2052 |
ADE | Molnár J.: Proposal of access system based upon microcontroller. In: Electromechanical and energy saving systems: Quarterly research and production journal, Vol. 6, No. 22(2013) part 2, p. 423-426, 2013, ISSN 2072-2052 |
ADE | Vince T.: Object Weight Estimation For Teach-Robot Using Movement Time Tracking. In: Electromechanical and energy saving systems: Quarterly research and production journal, Vol. 6, No. 22(2013) part 2, p. 419-422, 2013, ISSN 2072-2052 |
ADE | Tomčíková I.: Simulation of Circuits Containing Operational Amplifiers in MATLAB. In: Electromechanical and energy saving systems: Quarterly research and production journal, No. 2(2013) part 2, p. 348-350, 2013, ISSN 2072-2052 |
ACB | Vince T., Bačko M.: Windows Server – prednášky, V. diel. Vysokoškolská učebnica, TU Košice, apríl 2014, 83 str., CD-ROM, ISBN 978-80-553-1693-2 |
AFC | Hocko P., Vince T.: Program Analyses For Reading Values Of The Measuring Device Using Web Camera. In: Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods: 10. -11.4.2014: Kremenchuk P. 273-274 Kremenchuk : Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 2012, ISSN 2079-5106 |
AED | Hanák J., Vince T.: Documents exchange web portal. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 65-67, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Hocko P., Vince T.: Theoretical description of program for reading values of the measuring device using web camera. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 191-194, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Hocko P., Vince T.: Main features of program for reading values of the measuring device using web camera. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 195-198, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Hudák M., Vince T.: Identification of unit and determination of its position over the bar code by Smartphone with Android operating system. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 199-202, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Hudák M., Vince T.: Android application for department's property identification and management with bar code support. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 203-211, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Choma M., Vince T.: Analyses and Design of a web portal for documents exchange between students and teachers. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 73-75, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Šimko S., Vince T.: Microcontrollers and RFID technology. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 141-145, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Topolčani J., Vince T.: Department property checking using smartphone with Android OS proposal. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 234-237, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Brezina P., Tomčíková I.: Simulation of linear circuits excited by sinusoidal signal in MATLAB. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 181-182, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Lovás M., Tomčíková I.: Coefficients of Fourier series and their determination in MATLAB. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 222-223, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Lovás M., Tomčíková I.: Simulation of linear circuits excited by nonsinusoidal periodic signal in MATLAB. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 224-226, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AFD | Perduľak J.: Analogue pulse generator for novel multi-leg BROSKOV converter. In: SCYR 2014: Proceedings from Conference: 14th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers: 20.5.2014: Herľany, S. 23-24, Košice: Technická Univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1714-4 In: SCYR 2014: Proceedings from Conference: 14th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers: 20.5.2014: Herľany, S. 23-24, Košice: Technická Univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1714-4 |
AED | Bereš M., Perduľak J., Kováč D.: Autonomous mobile robot with obstacles prediction. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 166-169, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AFC | Perduľak J., Kováč D.: Analogue pulse generator for multi-leg boost converter. In: Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods: 10. -11.4.2014: Kremenchuk, p. 298-299 Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 2014, ISSN 2079-5106 |
ADE | Guzan M.: Software design for calculation multiple valued memory boundary surface. In: Electromechanical and energy saving systems: Quarterly research and production journal, Vol. 6, No. 22(2013) part 2, p. 356-360, 2013, ISSN 2072-2052 |
AED | Blahuta P., Guzan M.: Paraview - innovation in the visualization. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 7-11, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Dvorčák P., Guzan M.: Applications for Android – Programming. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 37-41, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Dvorčák P., Guzan M.: Android applications for the calculation and plotting. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 42-46, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Koščo P., Guzan M.: Kompilátory jazyka C. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 86-88, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Koščo P., Guzan M.: Porovnanie rýchlosti kompilátorov jazyka C z hľadiska výpočtu hraničnej plochy. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 89-91, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Ščepita M., Guzan M.: Možnosti využitia programu Excel pri analýze obvodov s jednosmernými zdrojmi. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 106-109, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Ščepita M., Guzan M.: Využitie programu Excel pri výpočte celkového odporu. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 116-119, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Brenišin J., Guzan M., Vince T.: Automation of graphical evaluation. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 170-174, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Brenišin J., Guzan M., Vince T.: Statistics and Excel 2013. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 175-180, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Grus V., Guzan M.: Porovnanie metód riešenia diferenciálnych rovníc Chuaovho obvodu v Matlabe. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 187-190, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Molnár J.: Universal access system based on microcontroller. In: Studia i Materiały Informatyki Stosowanej, Tom 5, Nr 12, 2013, p. 11-16, 2013, ISSN 1689-6300 |
AED | Ferko T., Molnár J.: Návrh automatického vetracieho systému. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, str. 57-60, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Jacko P., Molnár J.: Návrh riadenia krokového motora na báze mikrokontroléra. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, S. 82-85, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2013, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AFC | Mako R., Hodulíková A.: Nanotechnology in electrotechnics. In: Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods: 10. - 11.4.2014: Kremenchuk, p. 146-147, Kremenchuk : Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 2014 |
AED | Goliaš J., Hodulíková A.: Reverse Engineering. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 61-64, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Mako R., Hodulíková A.: Využitie nanotechnológií v elektrotechnike. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 98-105, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Nemetz M., Hodulíková A.: Využitie nanotechnológií v elektrotechnike. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 227-231, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Hodulíková,A.: Modelling of magnetic field of elastomagnetic sensor. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 227-231, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Hodulíková,A.: Verifikácia výstupných parametrov elastomagnetického snímača tlakovej sily. In: ElectroScopus, online časopis, Roč..2014, číslo. 1., s. 8, 2014, ISSN 1802-564 |
AED | Choma M., Kováčová I.: Operačný zosilňovač v zapojení usmerňovača. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 70-72, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Schweiner D., Kováčová I.: Bipolárny tranzistor vo funkcii zosilňovača. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 125-127, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Ščepita M., Kováčová I.: Monostabilný preklápací obvod v zapojení s operačným zosilňovačom. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 135-137, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-5 |
AED | Fedorko P. , Kováčová I.: Operačný zosilňovač v zapojení komparátora. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 54-56, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-6 |
AED | Výrostko F., Kováčová I.: Statické vlastnosti bipolárnych tranzistorov . In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 152-154, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-7 |
AED | Jacko P., Kováčová I.: Operačný zosilňovač v zapojení astabilného multivibrátora. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 79-81, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-8 |
AED | Šimko S., Kováčová I.: Optické súčiastky v elektronike. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 138-140, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-9 |
AED | Sobota M., Kováčová I.: Frekvenčné vlastnosti bipolárnych tranzistorov. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 132-134, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
ADE | Bučko R.: Foxboard embedded system and recognition of isolated words for control of mechatronic system. In: Studia i Materiały Informatyki Stosowanej, Tom 5, Nr 13, 2013, p. 17-24, 2013, ISSN 1689-6300 |
AED | Bučko R.: FOX Board and practice of voice commands for robot control. In: Proceeding of scientific and student’s works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering: 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 250-252, Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Cerovský P., Kováč D.: Suggestion of Multilevel Controller for a Wind Turbine. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 26-28, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Fedorko P., Kováč D.: Energy production by using Pelier’s moduls. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 52-53, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Choma M., Kováč D.: Design of electronic load. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 68-69, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Jacko P., Kováč D.: Automated ventilation system. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 76-78, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Schweiner D., Kováč D.: Fuel cells and photovoltaics. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 120-124, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Sobota M., Kováč D.: Alternative usage of renewable energy sources. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 128-131, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Výrostko F., Kováč D.: Digital thermostat. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 149-151, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-3 |
AED | Poldruhák V., Kováč D.: Implementation of preparations for the teaching of the subject of industrial electronics. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 232-233, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-4 |
AED | Varga R., Kováč D.: Generator of rectangular, triangular and sinusoidal signal. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014, pp. 238-240, ISBN 978-80-553-1711-5 |
ADE | Dziak J., Tomčíková I.: Comparison of methods for electric circuits simulation. In: Elektromechanical and energy saving systems, Vol. 2013, no. 2(2013), p. 180 - 183, 2013 |
AFC | Ocilka M., Kováč D.: Calculation of capacitance of two spiral coils made on printed circuit board. In: Proceeding of OWD 2013 : 15 International PhD Workshop: 19.10. - 22.10.2013: Wisla, p. 190-193, Gliwice : Silesian University of Technology, 2013 |
AFC | Ocilka M., Kováč D.: Verification of Dielecric Constant Using COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS. In: Electromechanical and energy systems, modeling and optimization methods: 10. - 11.4.2014: Kremenchuk, p. 16-18, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 2014 |
ADE | Ocilka M., Kováč D.: Circuit Topologies of High Frequency Resonant Inverters for Induction Heating Applications. In: Electromechanical and energy saving systems, Vol. 2013, no. 2(2013), p. 176-179, 2013 |
AFD | Ocilka M.: High Frequency Converter for Induction Heating. In: SCYR 2014: Proceedings from Conference: 14th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers: 20.5.2014: Herľany, S. 54-55, Košice : Technická Univerzita v Košiciach, 2014 |
AED | Ocilka M., Kováč D.: Simulation and Design of Induction Heating System. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, S. 280-283, Košice: Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014 |
AED | Lipták O., Ocilka M., Kováč D.: Communication between two PLC S7-300. In: Proceeding of scientific and student's works in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering, SSIEE - 2014, Vol. 3, S. 218-221, Košice: Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2014 |
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