YOUNG SCIENTIST 2024 - Conference of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Forma podujatia: Konferencia › S medzinárodnou účasťou
Termín konania: 17.04.2024 - 19.04.2024
Miesto podujatia: High Tatras, Slovakia
Usporiadateľ: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Kosice
Odborný gestor podujatia: Scientific Committee
Konané pod záštitou: prof. Ing. Dušan Katunský, CSc., the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Ing. Martin Hypký, MBA, the Head of Authority for Spatial Planning and Construction of the Slovak Republic, JUDr. Ing. Jozef Ráž, the Minister of
Odkaz na stránku konferencie:
Kľúčové slová: Civil and Environmental Engineering Urban Engineering
Rokovací jazyk: Anglický

Tématické okruhy


  • Building Information Modeling
  • Building Physics and Services
  • Construction Economics, Marketing and Management
  • Construction Technology, Organization and Management
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Indoor Environment
  • Hydrotechnical Engineering
  • Innovations in Construction Design and Technology
  • Material Engineering and Recycling
  • Statics, Dynamics and Modeling
  • Structural Engineering and Bridges
  • Sustainable Architecture and Energy Efficiency
  • Sustainable Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Sustainable Water Management
  • Transport and Geotechnical Engineering
  • Urban Engineering

Ďalšie informácie

Registration to the conference and abstract submission will be made through the conference website:

Confirmation of the successful registration will be sent by e-mail to the address provided in the registration form. Authors with accepted abstracts will be requested to prepare a full paper and assigned „ID“ code (example „1695“).
For participant email communication, please, use the ID code in email Subject.

The conference fee: 290 EUR
Pasive participations: 150 EUR

The conference fee includes: registration, conference materials, access to sessions, coffee breaks, welcome party and publishing in Conference Proceedings
E3S Web of Conferences indexing in databases.


Technical University of Košice
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Vysokoškolská 4, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia

Posledná aktualizácia: 07.02.2024 18:17


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