Študentská konferencia SAIL

Forma podujatia: Konferencia › Medzinárodná (v zahraničí mimo ČR)
Termín konania: 04.08.2019 - 16.08.2019
Miesto podujatia: ship Fryderyk Chopin
Usporiadateľ: Uppsala University
Odborný gestor podujatia: Uppsala University
Odkaz na stránku konferencie: https://www.balticuniv.uu.se/education/sail/sail-for-students/call-for-participants-sail-for-students-2019/
Kľúčové slová: Sustainability Environment Energy Climate New technologies Economy Social science
Rokovací jazyk: Anglický

Hlavný cieľ

Call for students to the annual SAIL BUP conference: Sustainability Applied in International Learning.

The Subject of the Conference

The SAIL conference is an undergraduate, academic Baltic University Programme activity scheduled on the training sailing ship Fryderyk Chopin starting on 4th of August 2019 in the port of Aarhus (Denmark), and finishing on 16th of August 2019 in the port of Szczecin (Poland). This year the period of the conference is 12 days.

Tématické okruhy

The SAIL conference focus on different areas of sustainability, under the thematic academic sessions on:

  • Environment
  • Energy
  • Climate
  • New technologies
  • Economy
  • Social science
  • Democracy
  • Conflict and Resolution
  • Education, etc.

Interactive talks and workshops will be prepared and run on board by an international group of 8 teachers/specialists. We offer 30 places available for students on-board.

Ďalšie informácie

Delayed: The final list of participants will be announced 18th of April 2019.

Please notice that students participating in this conference will NOT receive any ECTS credits.

Who Can Apply?
Students interested in the topic and coming from BUP members or participating’ universities are welcome to apply for participation in the conference. Students from the BUP´s member universities will be given priority and for them, the participation in the SAILing conference is free of charge.

Please notice that all students applying should have a written recommendation from their teacher, BUP’s contact person at the university, or the BUP’s national center.

How to Apply?
We welcome students to apply to their national BUP Centers. The national BUP’s centers will be responsible for selecting a final list of participants from the respective countries. In case there is no functioning center in the country (like Denmark) the applications should be sent directly to SAIL coordinator (dominika.stygar@balticuniv.uu.se).

Applying students are asked to save all documents with their names. Please observe that handwritten applications will not be accepted! 

All BUP’s Centers will select up to 5 students per country and prepare a reserve list of students.

A conference fee of 1,300 Euro per person applies to all other students.

Please do not hesitate to contact Dominika Stygar in case of any further questions.

Dominika Stygar
SAIL Coordinator
The Baltic University Programme
Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala

Email: dominika.stygar@balticuniv.uu.se
Mobile phone: +48 696 222 884 or +46 72-520 49 47

Posledná aktualizácia: 16.04.2019 13:50


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