QUALITY OF LIFE X. in social and ethical dimensions

Forma podujatia: Konferencia › S medzinárodnou účasťou
Termín konania: 25.04.2019
Miesto podujatia: VŠMP ISM Slovakia v Prešove, Duchnovičovo námestie 1, 080 01, Prešov
Usporiadateľ: Katedra spoločenských vied Vysokej školy medzinárodného podnikania ISM Slovakia v Prešove
Odborný gestor podujatia: prof. Slawomir Mazur, DrSc.; dr. h.c. mult. akad. prof. prof. h.c. mult. PhDr. Wojciech Slomski, PhD.; dr. h.c. prof. PhDr. Rudolf Dupkala, CSc.; prof. JUDr. Vojtech Tkáč, CSc.
Odkaz na stránku konferencie: http://www.ismpo.sk/konfpokyny/
Kľúčové slová: kvalita života sociálne služby
Rokovací jazyk: Anglický

Hlavný cieľ

Konferencia je zameraná na kvalitatívnu stránku spoločenského života. Má interdisciplinárny charakter a pokrýva okrem iných aj oblasti sociálnych služieb a poradenstva, sféru etického uvažovania, s presahom aj na sociálnu a ekonomickú úroveň života.

Tématické okruhy

* Multilateral dimension of social services and social counselling in the context of quality of life
* Quality of life in the context of the current ethical thinking
   with a focus on economic and business ethics and ethics of PR
* Professional foreign communication in the social sciences and humanities
* Socio-economic (in)stability at present

Ďalšie informácie

Conference Fee:
80 EUR - for active participation at the conference (fee includes organization costs,  CD collections of articles, certificate, lunch, snack, social event)
40 EUR - only publishing of the article (if succesful - reviewed process without attending the conference. Fee to be paid to account number:
IBAN: SK8409000000000502611848  BIC: GIBASKBX, Constant symbol: 0308, Variable symbol: 2504

Active participants from abroad may also pay the fee in cash at the conference on registration. Accomodation  to participants is provided at their own expense.
If necessary, the school can mediate secure accommodation.

Texts of conference papers:
* Send texts to an e-mail address: konferencia@ismpo.sk
* For formal editing text, see: http://www.ismpo.sk/konfpokyny
* Tabled texts can range up to 37 000 characters (including spaces)
* Papers that pass reviewed process will be published in the Electronic conference proceedings (CD).
* Selected papers in English will be  after successful demanding peer-review process published
  in foreign scientific journals

Important deadlines:
* to 31 March 2019: submission of an application through the electronic form 
                              available on http://www.ismpo.sk/formulare and payment of registration fee
* to 10 April 2019:  full text submission

Informáciu o podujatí vložil:
Mgr. Michal Mašlej, (maslej@ismpo.sk)
Posledná aktualizácia: 07.03.2019 11:30


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