Polyglot Gathering - 2. ročník celosvetového stretnutia polyglotov
Forma podujatia: | Seminár › S medzinárodnou účasťou |
Termín konania: | 30.05.2018 - 03.06.2018 |
Miesto podujatia: | pôda Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave |
Usporiadateľ: | Lýdia Machová from languagementoring.com and Peter Baláž from the E@I non-profit organization |
Odborný gestor podujatia: | Lýdia Machová from languagementoring.com and Peter Baláž from the E@I non-profit organization |
Odkaz na stránku konferencie: | https://www.polyglotbratislava.com/ |
Kľúčové slová: | polyglot languages speaking |
Rokovací jazyk: | Anglický Nemecký Francúzsky Ruský Slovenský Španielsky |
Hlavný cieľ
v dňoch 30. mája až 3. júna 2018 sa na pôde Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave uskutoční už po druhýkrát celosvetové stretnutie polyglotov. Viac o programe nájdete tu:
The Polyglot Gathering is an informal event which takes places once a year and brings together polyglots (people who speak several languages) and language enthusiasts from all over the world. It is a five-day event with lectures, workshops and social activities for everyone who loves and enjoys languages.
There's no requirement of speaking many languages. All that counts is your approach to them: if you love learning languages and you want to meet like-minded people who also love languages, the Polyglot Gathering is the right place for you!
The Polyglot Gathering 2018 will take place under the auspices of:
- Martina Lubyová, Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic;
- Ivo Nesrovnal, mayor of Bratislava;
- Ferdinand Daňo, rector of the University of Economics in Bratislava;
- Juraj Droba, chairman of the Bratislava self-governing region.
Tématické okruhy
What do people do at a Polyglot Gathering?
- attend lectures with practical language learning tips and many interesting topics related to languages (mostly in English but also in other languages) and even propose their own
- share their own tips, ideas and insights in Lightning talks (spontaneous short talks)
- visit practical workshops about less known languages and other language-learning skills
- talk to other people in whatever language they share (everyone has a nametag with all the languages they wish to speak)
- hang out in comfy get-together areas in between the talks (including a No-English zone, a Board Game zone, Coffee-break zone (with free coffee!) or Sponsors zone
- enjoy multilingual concerts, take an active part in a cultural evening
- visit the city and surroundings, spend time in local bookstores and taste the regional cuisine in pubs and restaurants
- share old language books and fresh food/beverage snacks from their country
Ďalšie informácie
Registration fees
All participants must be registered. It is advised to register in advance. People who are not registered will not have access to the session halls and exhibition area.
Participant fees | The whole event | Per day |
REGULAR until 10 April 2018 | 120 € | 40 € |
LATE after 11 April 2018 to 22 May 2018 | 140 € | 45 € |
ON SITE from 23 May 2018 | 160 € | 50 € |
Email addresses of the organizers
Please contact us by email using the relevant email address:
- General enquiries: info@polyglotbratislava.com
- Head organizers: lydia.machova@polyglotbratislava.com, peter.balaz@polyglotbratislava.com
- Sponsor relations: sponsors@polyglotbratislava.com
- Administration, registration: administration@polyglotbratislava.com
- Website support: matthieu.desplantes@polyglotbratislava.com
- Volunteers coordinator: miroslav.sedivy@polyglotbratislava.com
Posledná aktualizácia: 15.05.2018 09:37