MicroLearning and Mobile Learning Outcomes: Mobile Learning Strategies and Measuring Effectiveness

Forma podujatia: Konferencia › Medzinárodná (v zahraničí mimo ČR)
Termín konania: 26.09.2013 - 27.09.2013
Miesto podujatia: Stift Göttweig Krems, Austria
Usporiadateľ: Research Studios Austria, iLearn
Odborný gestor podujatia: Prof. Dr. Peter A. Bruck
Odkaz na stránku konferencie: http://www.microlearning.org/
Kľúčové slová: MicroLearning Mobile Learning Outcomes Mobile Learning Strategies Measuring Effectiveness
Rokovací jazyk: Anglický

Hlavný cieľ

This ML conference is the only research oriented meeting which focusses on micro content and learning as a singular area of technology enhanced learning. it features talks, multi-session workshops and world-cafes on current research and findings regarding the use of technologies for designing effective learning environments. we are interested in sustainable methods and the easy use of technologies and tools for continuous learning in or at the workplace and related contexts.

Tématické okruhy

• Making mobile learning easy, enjoyable and sustainable • Measuring learning outcomes and optimizing the use of technology • Designing for specific learning objectives, user satisfaction, acceptance and positive motivation • increasing effectiveness in the attainment of learning objectives and obtaining a return on educational investment • impact of mobile learning on other e-learning forms • effective integration of mobile in learning environments and blended learning programs • Crowdsourcing systems for mobile learning content

Ďalšie informácie

Submission Deadline: JULY 30, 2013: Abstracts & proposals / project reports / short demonstrations AUG 15, 2013: Notification of Acceptance SeP 10, 2013: Final papers, reports & posters (camera ready) Conference Fee: ¤ 250 regular ¤ 190 EU/SEE (South East Europe) ¤ 90 Reduced Fee (for individuals who work in academic/education jobs, subject to formal request or invitation) ¤ 39 Students or participants from emerging economies (subject to formal request or invitation)

Informáciu o podujatí vložil:
Vladimír Burčík (burcik@ilearn.sk)
Posledná aktualizácia: 17.07.2013 07:02


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