ISC Multicultural 2021

Forma podujatia: Konferencia › S medzinárodnou účasťou
Termín konania: 05.05.2021
Miesto podujatia: ONLINE
Usporiadateľ: Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Management
Odborný gestor podujatia: Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Management
Konané pod záštitou: Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Management
Odkaz na stránku konferencie:
Kľúčové slová: international management and entrepreneurship multicultural environment
Rokovací jazyk: Anglický

Hlavný cieľ


The main goal of the international scientific conference is the presentation of obtained knowledge in relation to theory and practice of international management and entrepreneurship in multicultural environment. It is proposed for scientists, academicians, students and representatives of business practice.


Tématické okruhy

  • Management of companies in risky international environment
  • International human resources management and intercultural communication
  • Building ethical organizational climate and ethical aspects of business
  • Corporate social responsibility and philanthropic activities of companies
  • Financial operations of international companies and their accounting
  • Marketing in international and multicultural environment
  • International logistics and distribution systems
  • Education in international and multicultural environment
  • Practical aspects of international business

Ďalšie informácie

International Scientific Committee

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic:
Dr.h.c. prof. Dr. Ing. Elena Horská
prof.h.c. doc. Ing. Monika Hudáková, MBA, PhD.
doc. Ing. Radovan Savov, PhD.
doc. Ing. Drahoslav Lančarič, PhD.
Ing. Jana Kozáková, Ing.-Paed. IGIP, PhD.

University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic:
prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Plevný
Ing. Jan Tlučhoř, Ph.D.
Ing. Hana Kunešová, Ph.D.,

Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland:

dr hab. Tomasz Rachwał, prof. UP
dr hab. Katarzyna Potyrała, prof. UP
dr hab. Andrzej Ryk, prof. UP
PhDr inż Łukasz Tomczyk PhD

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine:
Ing. Oksana Sokil, PhD.

Catholic university in Ružomberok, Slovak Republic:
prof. Ing. Iveta Ubrežiová, CSc.

Important dates

Registration and deadline for full paper submission: March 15th, 2021
Notification of paper's acceptance and the result of the review procedure: April 1st, 2021
Deadline for registration fee payment: April 23rd, 2021
Date of International Conference: May 05th, 2021

Conference Fee of 50 EUR is paid by the main
author for each accepted paper.

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Registration and articles:
Ing. Jana Kozáková, Ing. - Paed. IGIP, PhD.
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia

Financial and administrative information:
Mrs Milada Hlinková
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia

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Posledná aktualizácia: 24.02.2021 19:24


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