DIVAI 2014 - Dištančné vzdelávanie v aplikovanej informatike

Forma podujatia: Konferencia › Medzinárodná (v SR alebo v ČR v svetovom jazyku)
Termín konania: 05.05.2014 - 07.05.2014
Miesto podujatia: Štúrovo
Usporiadateľ: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Univerzita Hradec Králové
Odborný gestor podujatia: prof. Ing. Milan Turčáni, CSc.
Odkaz na stránku konferencie: http://conferences.ukf.sk/index.php/divai/divai2014
Kľúčové slová: Information Technologies Supporting Learning Learning/Teaching Methodologies Assessment and Learning Environments Intelligent Computing
Rokovací jazyk: Anglický

Hlavný cieľ

  • Information Technologies Supporting Learning
  • Learning/Teaching Methodologies, Assessment and Learning Environments
  • Intelligent Computing

Tématické okruhy

Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Authoring Tools and Content Development
Web Based Learning, Wikis and Blogs
E-learning Platforms, Portals
Digital Libraries for E-learning
Multimedia and E-learning
Ontologies and Meta-Data Standards

Learning/Teaching Methodologies, Assessment and Learning Environments
Blended and Collaborative Learning
Modeling of Educational Activities
Assessment Methods in Blended Learning Environments
Pedagogy Enhancement with E-learning
Ubiquitous Learning Environments and Applications
Technology Enhanced Learning
Virtual Labs and Virtual Classrooms
E-learning Success Cases

Intelligent Computing
Web Information Filtering and Retrieval
Web Data Mining
Meta-Knowledge Discovery and Representation
Personalized and Adaptive E-learning
Personalized Web Sites and Services
Natural Language Processing
Information Retrieval and Extraction
Text Mining
Plagiarism Detection

Ďalšie informácie

The deadline of paper submission - February 28, 2014.

Informáciu o podujatí vložil:
doc. Mgr. Martin Drlík, PhD. (mdrlik@ukf.sk)
Posledná aktualizácia: 17.02.2014 12:47


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