Forma podujatia: Konferencia › S medzinárodnou účasťou
Termín konania: 07.06.2022 - 08.06.2022
Miesto podujatia: Košice, Slovakia/online
Usporiadateľ: Faculty of Civil Engineering
Odborný gestor podujatia: assoc. prof. Ing. Peter Mésároš, PhD., the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Košice
Konané pod záštitou: assoc. prof. Ing. Peter Mésároš, PhD., the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Košice, and Ing. Andrej Doležal, the Minister of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic.
Odkaz na stránku konferencie:
Kľúčové slová: civil and environmental engineering
Rokovací jazyk: Anglický

Hlavný cieľ

We are pleased to announce CIVIL ENGINEERING CONFERENCE 2022 on topics of civil and environmental engineering for colleagues, graduates, teachers, researchers, students and professionally cooperating public on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the faculty of Civil Engineering.

Tématické okruhy


  • Building Physics and Services
  • Sustainable Architecture and Energy Efficiency
  • Statics, Dynamics and Modeling
  • Structural Engineering and Bridges
  • Transport and Geotechnical Engineering
  • Construction Technology, Organization and Management
  • Construction Economics, Marketing and Management
  • Building Information Modeling
  • Innovations in Construction Design and Technology
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Healthy Indoor Environment
  • Hydrotechnical Engineering
  • Material Engineering and Recycling
  • Sustainable Water Management
  • Sustainable Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Urbanism and Architecture

Ďalšie informácie

Registration: March 20th, 2022

Early payment:350€

Late Payment: 380€

All accepted papers will be published in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE).

Technical University of Košice
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Vysokoškolská 4, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia

More info:

Posledná aktualizácia: 02.03.2022 20:45


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