CHER 2020 - Engaged Universities: (De)constructing the Theory, Practice and Culture of Engagement in Higher Education.

Forma podujatia: Konferencia › Medzinárodná (v zahraničí mimo ČR)
Termín konania: 02.09.2020 - 04.09.2020
Usporiadateľ: University of Rijeka (Croatia) and NUI Galway (Ireland), with their home cities
Odborný gestor podujatia: University of Rijeka (Croatia) and NUI Galway (Ireland)
Konané pod záštitou: University of Rijeka (Croatia) and NUI Galway (Ireland), with their home cities
Odkaz na stránku konferencie:
Kľúčové slová: higher education higher education institution higher education research
Rokovací jazyk: Anglický

Hlavný cieľ

With an increasing focus on multifaceted missions for higher education institutions(HEIs), there is an international convergence of interest on issues about universities’ role in a wider society.

This year’s CHER conference pursues three specific aims: First, to critically discuss theories behind the notion of engaged HEIs. Second, to critically discuss methods employed in research and assessment on engaged HEIs. Thirdly, to discuss the relevance of recent theoretical and methodological developments in interdisciplinary context of research on engaged HEIs.

Organizators invite all interested researchers to join us in discussing and reflecting on how HEIs are coping with the (new) demands placed upon them, and how the various dimensions of change are intertwined, while (de)constructing the theory, practice and culture of engagement in higher education.

Tématické okruhy

The theme of this year’s conference is Engaged Universities: (De)constructing the Theory, Practice and Culture of Engagement in Higher Education.


Track 1: Theoretical, conceptual, and methodological challenges

Track 2: Policy and practice-oriented challenges

Track 3: Culture of engagement in HE and conceptual challenges

Open Track: Core themes in higher education research

Ďalšie informácie

Organizátori konferencie vyhlásili výzvu pre výskumníkov a pedagógov, ktorých sa téma týka a ktorí by mali záujem o aktívnu účasť formou príspevku, prezentácie alebo plagátu o prebiehajúcom výskume. Viac informácii sa nachádza na web stránke podujatia:

Termín na zasielanie návrhov príspevkov je do 31. marca 2020 na adresu: Výsledky výberu budú známe do 15. mája 2020.

Účastníkom, ktorých príspevok bude vybraný, hradí organizátor konferenčný poplatok aj ubytovanie. Na úhradu cestovných nákladov je možné požiadať o grant cez Národnú agentúru programu Erasmus+ na adrese

Scientific / Programme Committee

  • Bojana Ćulum Ilić (University of Rijeka)
  • Lorraine McIlrath (NUI Galway)
  • Jasminka Ledić (University of Rijeka)
  • Vesna Kovač (University of Rijeka)
  • Nena Rončević (University of Rijeka)
  • Gaële Goastellec (CHER Board of Directors)
  • Hugo Horta (CHER Board of Directors)
  • Terhi Nokkala (CHER Board of Directors)
  • Emanuela Reale (CHER Board of Directors)

Organising Committee

  • Bojana Ćulum Ilić (University of Rijeka)
  • Lorraine McIlrath (NUI Galway)
  • Bojana Vignjević Korotaj (University of Rijeka)
  • Nadja Čekolj (University of Rijeka)
  • Nena Vukelić (University of Rijeka)
  • Ivana Miočić (University of Rijeka)
  • Zlatka Gregorović Belaić (University of Rijeka)

Important dates

Abstract Submission: 31st March, 2020

Notification of Acceptance:  15th May, 2020

Early Bird Registration: 14th June, 2020

Best Doctoral Paper Award: 30th June, 2020

Full Papers for Conference: 20th August, 2020

(Note: papers submitted will be given priority considering the publication)

Conference Fees

                                           Early bird registration       Regular registration

Category                              (May 15 - June 14, 2020)      (June 15 - July 20, 2020)

CHER memebers                   225 EUR                                300 EUR

Regular participants               300 EUR                                375 EUR

Students/PhD Students          150 EUR                                225 EUR

Conference Dinner                40 EUR                                  40 EUR


  • Proposal submission –
  • Conference related Qs – (Bojana Culum Ilic) and (Lorraine McIlrath)
  • Travel and/or accommodation related Qs –

Posledná aktualizácia: 27.02.2020 11:24


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