Carpathian Logistics Congress - CLC 2017

Forma podujatia: Kongres › Medzinárodný (v SR alebo v ČR v svetovom jazyku)
Termín konania: 28.06.2017 - 30.06.2017
Miesto podujatia: ALEXANDRA WELLNESS HOTEL***, Janska Dolina 2190, 032 03 Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia, EU
Usporiadateľ: Technická Univerzita v Košiciach
Odborný gestor podujatia: Doc. Ing. Martin Straka, Ph.D.
Odkaz na stránku konferencie:
Kľúčové slová: Logistika zásobovací reťazec Systém riadenia kvality Logistika služieb a inteligentná logistika Riadenie rizík Doprava
Rokovací jazyk: Anglický

Hlavný cieľ

Carpathian Logistics Congress (CLC) was founded in 2011 by merging three international scientific conferences on the theme of logistics management, which were originally guaranteed and held separately by three university workplaces: International conference Financial and Logistics Management (FLM), organized in two-year cycles since 2003 by VSB - Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Department of Economics and Management in Metallurgy. International conference Logistics & Transport (LOADO), also organized in two-year cycles by Technical University of Košice (Slovakia), Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, by Logistics Institute of Industry and Transport . Logistics conference of Total Logistic Management (TLM), organized annually since 1996 by AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland), Faculty of Management.

Tématické okruhy

THE THEME OF THE CONGRESS: LOGISTICS PARADIGMS OF THE 21ST CENTURY Plenary Session Session A - Strategic Logistics, Supply Chain and Networks Session B - Production Logistics, Commercial Logistics, Quality Management System, Risk Management Session C - Logistics of Distribution, Transport Session D - Financial Management, Service Logistics and Smart Logistics Closing Session - Closing of the Congress Poster Session

Ďalšie informácie

The main organizer of the first world congress CLC 2011 was Technical University of Košice. The Congress was held under the auspices of the President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič and patronage of the World Association of Industrial Logistics. University staff and researchers and corporate sector representatives from eight countries met in pleasant surroundings of the High Tatras (Grandhotel Permon) on Sep 27 - 30 2011. The meeting was commenced by the plenary section with presentation of the invited lectures focused on current trends in logistics and supply chains. Specific research results were further discussed in three sections - Logistics, Transport and Financial Management. Participants appreciated the professional level of the Congress, the creation of a platform for establishing long-term cooperation in logistics management and supply chains and recommended another Congress in 2012 VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, in 2013 Mining and Metallurgy Academy in Krakow takes over the imaginary baton.

Informáciu o podujatí vložil:
Ing. Kateřina Sedláčková (
Posledná aktualizácia: 07.06.2017 15:18


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