Forma podujatia: Konferencia › S medzinárodnou účasťou
Termín konania: 05.06.2018 - 07.06.2018
Miesto podujatia: Hotel Hutník, Tatranské Matliare, High Tatras
Usporiadateľ: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, National Center for Research and Application of Renewable Energy Sources, Slovak Committee of World Energy Council
Odborný gestor podujatia: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
Odkaz na stránku konferencie: http://www.power-engineering.sk/
Kľúčové slová: energetika ekológia ekonomika
Rokovací jazyk: Anglický

Hlavný cieľ

Podujatie ENERGETIKA 2018 zastrešuje tri medzinárodne vedecké konferencie:

International Scientific Event POWER ENGINEERING 2018 (ENERGETIKA 2018) includes three International Scientific Conferences:

Energy - Ecology - Economy 2018

Control of Power Systems 2018

Renewable Energy Sources 2018

The main objectives of the event are to establish and enhance cooperation, information exchange and experiences among power engineering experts from industry, universities and research institutes, from Slovakia and abroad. Event brings in the form of lectures, presentations and discussions further development in the area of operation and control of power systems, renewable energy sources, ecology and economy of power engineering.

Event Guarantee

Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic

Event Chairman

Professor František Janíček

Tématické okruhy

Energy - Ecology - Economy


  1. Strategy of energy security of Slovak Republic
  2. Legislative tools to secure energy policy in the space of EU and Slovak Republic
  3. Basic rights and responsibilities of The Regulatory Office for Network Industries
  4. Increasing of energy efficiency and reduction of energy consumption
  5. Opportunities in science and research in fulfillment of energy policy of Slovak Republic
  6. Development of nuclear energy industry
  7. Development of Slovak transmission system and distribution networks
  8. Renewable energy sources - impact on power system operation
  9. Economic tools in energy markets
  10. Smart Grid technology and the concept of Smart City

Control of Power Systems


  1. Application of advanced control methods in power engineering
  2. Information technology in power engineering
  3. Service optimization of energy sources
  4. Control of heat and electric power supplies
  5. Measurement and diagnostics in power engineering
  6. Power generation from non-conventional sources
  7. Operation and control of nuclear power plants
  8. Distribution networks operation - Smart grid systems
  9. Dispatching systems for real time control and monitoring of power systems
  10. Research and development programs in power engineering
  11. Modeling and control of power systems

Renewable Energy Sources


  1. New materials in photovoltaic and advanced photovoltaic systems
  2. Organic photovoltaic, concepts and realization.
  3. Possibilities in further exploitation of hydroenergetic potential and optimalization of water power-plants operation
  4. Biomass - source of energy and materials
  5. Utilization of the wind energy
  6. Possibilities in geothermal energy exploitatio
  7. Development trends in renewable energy sources
  8. Funding opportunities for RES projects
  9. National and international cooperation in RES development
  10. The role of energy policy in RES advancement
  11. Legislation of RES in EU and in Slovak Republic

Ďalšie informácie

Organization Committee


Žaneta Eleschová


Miriam Szabová


Jozef Bendík

Matej Cenký

Peter Janiga

Milan Perný

Eva Petrášová



February 28, 2018 - deadline for registration

March 16, 2018      - deadline for full paper submission

Conference Fee

payment before April 15, 2018

360 € - reduced full fee

210 € - reduced fee for students

payment after April 15, 2018

400 € - full fee

230 € - fee for students

Deadline for payment: April 30, 2018

Conference fee includes registration, proceedings at USB key and accommodation.

The fee includes 2 papers; each additional paper 50 Eur.



More and detail information:



Žaneta Eleschová
Email: zaneta.eleschova@stuba.sk

Július Cirák
Email: julius.cirak@stuba.sk

Milan Perný
Email: milan.perny@stuba.sk

Anton Beláň

Email: anton.belan@stuba.sk

Posledná aktualizácia: 16.02.2018 08:25


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