Vedecky o kráse - One week with David Perrett (St. Andrews) na FF TU v Trnave
Centrum kognitívnych štúdií a Katedra filozofie Filozofickej fakulty
Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave s potešením oznamujú študentom a širšej
kognitívno-vednej verejnosti, že v rámci tohtosemestrového One week with
budeme mať onedlho (24.-28.10. 2016) príležitosť privítať medzi nami
Prof. Davida Iana Perretta zo škótskej univerzity v St. Andrews. Prof.
Perrett je Wardlaw profesorom psychológie a neurovied na St. Andrews
University a riaditeľom tamojšieho The Perception Lab. Na našej katedre
prednesie sériu prednášok o atraktivite tváre a jeho pobyt sa uskutoční v
rámci riešenia nášho APVV projektu: Kognitívne prehodnotenie krásy:
Zjednotenie filozofie a kognitívnych štúdií estetického vnímania.
Program prednášok a workshopov:
24. 10. 2016 (Monday) 10:20-12:00 room 3P1 : Face Perception and Human
Attraction Beauty from a biological perspective I : Sexual selection for
disease immunity and paternal support.
A central assumption of evolutionary theory is that females are
attracted to males who display signs of health and immunity to disease.
Testosterone is thought to handicap the immune system and benefit
attractiveness through thishandicap because only males with a superb
immune system can afford to display the effects of testosterone on body
growth. Well that’s the theory but is there any evidence.
25. 10. 2016 (Tuesday) 9:30 - 11.10 room 3P1 : Face Perception and Human
Attraction Beauty from a biological perspective II - Sex hormonal
influences on face preferences: changes within individuals.
There are marked sex differences in attraction to faces; furthermore
there are marked changes in preferences within the same individual. This
topic explores the correlations between levels of sex hormones
(testosterone, progesterone and oestrogen) with attraction to signs of
health and masculinity/femininity in adult faces and cuteness in infant
25. 10. 2016 (Tuesday) 15:00 - 16:20 room 1A1 : Universal and individual
aesthetics I. Universal, individual and cultural differences in face
There are characteristics that are appear universally attractive; yet
fortunately, we do not all fancy the same people. This topic explores
the role of the environment, culture and the basis of differences in
opinion about the attractiveness of particular facial characteristics.
26. 10. 2016 (Wednesday) 9:30 -11:10 room 1A1 : Universal and individual
aesthetics II. Intra-sexual competition and preferences.
Most research on human attraction investigates female choice of male
characteristics - inter-sexual selection. Competition between
individuals of the same sex (intra-sexual selection) is equally
important in evolution and aesthetics. Indeed, competition has a wide
influences on everyday life (e.g. shopping) and romance.
27.10. 2016 9:30 -11.10 room 3P1: Health and beauty I. Face cues to current health
While a sex typical appearance and symmetry have been considered signs)
of health for decades, other facial characteristics may provide more
reliable cues to current health? For example skin colour may provide a
cue to sickness and multiple aspects of a healthy lifestyle.
27.10.2016 (Thursday) 13:00 -15.00 room 3P1: Developmental influences on attraction I. Early life, stress and sexual maturation
Infants demonstrate reactions to faces from very early in life so some
aspects of face perception appear innate. Yet early experience also
shapes preferences. Indeed, the faces that infants see in the family and
even in story books have a profound effect on their perceptual
interests. The absence of a father in the first 5 years can mean girls
develop faster and reach puberty 6 months earlier. Family relations and
speed of development have equally powerful effects on appearance and on
partner preferences.
28.10.2016 (Friday) 9:30 -11.10 room 3P1: Developmental influences on attraction II. Learning from family and from peers
Family characteristics defined through odour or facial resemblance may
be attractive or unattractive in potential partners. Family
characteristics are also important in parental attraction to offspring.
Paternity for humans may be uncertain. Given this uncertainty what
influences a father to invest in children that may or may not be his
biological offspring? While it is clear we learn from our family, it is
also becoming evident that we learn from peers and what they think is
Meno: Katedra filozofie FF TU