No to violence against women
United Nations European ad competition
Sútaž OSN, ktorej cieľom je vytvoriť reklamu na tému boja proti násiliu na ženách. Sútaž je otvorená pre všetkých Európanov a Európanky od 18 rokov, amatérov aj profesionálov, od 8.marca - 31.mája.
Up to 70% of women experience violence in their lifetime. This is intolerable. Violence against Women can, and must, be stopped.
Contribute to fight this scourge by joining the United Nations and create a newspaper ad that says “No to Violence against Women”.
Under the banner Create4theUN, we are, once again, reaching out to the European creative community, professionals and non-professionals, to invite you to participate in the 2011 European competition.
To engage European citizens we are working with UN Information Centres across Europe and with major newspapers in each country.
The three prizes have been donated by partners in three European countries: Spain, Italy and Portugal. The thirty short-listed entries will be sent to a jury of experts.